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Did you watch the debates last night?

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  • Did you watch the debates last night?

    I thought that Bush came across as more likeable and Kerry as more knowledgeable. Overall, I thought Bush's performance was much better than last week's debate. I didn't really think there was a clear winner.

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    I actually thought Bush came across better than Kerry this time around. He came across very upfront and direct about his actions, views and opinions. He was very direct when he said 'I DONOT support abortion'. But see then there's his whole stance on stem cell research. By partially supporting stem cell research wouldn't that mean he partially supports abortion? This is where I get a headache. This is also why I think Kerry appears to come across as flip flopping....some issues aren't as black and white. George Bush seems very black and white in his thinking while I feel Kerry covers more of the gray area. Does that make sense???


    • #3
      I didn't watch the debates but about stem cell research...

      Can't stem cells be taken from cord blood? I thought they could, that was the whole reason behind storing your child's cord blood. If I'm wrong, someone educate me!


      • #4
        I'm right there with ya Dagny

        stem cell research could be a whole topic within itself


        • #5
          I have limited knowledge on this topic, but I believe that embryonic stem cells are supposed to be more 'multipotent' (as in they can develop into many different types of specialized cell types).

          In my opinion, (which means very little because I don't know enough about it) cord blood should be a viable alternative.

          I am morally opposed to the use of embryos for this kind of research. At the same time, I do see the point that many of these clumps of cells saved on ice will simply be destroyed at a certain why not use them?

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #6
            I thought Bush came out way better than last week (though with his original performance he set the bar pretty low ), but I still liked what Kerry had to say a lot more. I pretty much jive with most of what he is saying politically, whereas I disagree with many of Bush's policies, decisions.
            Re: Embryonic stem cell research--I think it should be done. The cells are going to be there, abortions won't need to be performed for the sole purpose of getting them (a weak argument), they might as well be used for a meaningful purpose rather than tossed in the trash. I used to work with spinal cord injured patients and if it means someday giving a little more hand function to a quad or giving a para the ability to walk, helping to treat Parkinson's, etc., then I'm all for it.
            Awake is the new sleep!


            • #7
              I agree with you Sue. Abortions will be performed for many reasons and if something good can come out of that like a treatment or cure for an injury or disease how can that be a bad thing. I'm all for that.

              I did think it was funny to watch Bush jump up from his stool and pace around before Kerry was even finished with his responses. He sure is a hot head.

