I was wondering what everyones general thoughts on this were.
1. Is what we are learning by space exploration worth the cost in dollars and lives?
2. Are we merely continuing the space program in the U.S. out of nostalgia or superiority over other nations?
3. Should we privatize space exploration in the U.S.?
I am really undecided about all of these things. I used to be filled with such wonder and awe about space. Now, I wonder, if we shouldn't spend our resources on things that are more tangible.
Has anyone read Deception Point by Dan Brown. I suppose I could put that in the book review forum, but it is relevant here. In the book there is a large controversy and political debacle regarding the space program. I liked the book quite a bit. I'm unsure on which side of this I lie though. I have the wonder and indetify with Jodie Foster's character in contact, but at the same time, I wonder if the classrooms would be less crowded if funding was cut on some of these other programs.
1. Is what we are learning by space exploration worth the cost in dollars and lives?
2. Are we merely continuing the space program in the U.S. out of nostalgia or superiority over other nations?
3. Should we privatize space exploration in the U.S.?
I am really undecided about all of these things. I used to be filled with such wonder and awe about space. Now, I wonder, if we shouldn't spend our resources on things that are more tangible.
Has anyone read Deception Point by Dan Brown. I suppose I could put that in the book review forum, but it is relevant here. In the book there is a large controversy and political debacle regarding the space program. I liked the book quite a bit. I'm unsure on which side of this I lie though. I have the wonder and indetify with Jodie Foster's character in contact, but at the same time, I wonder if the classrooms would be less crowded if funding was cut on some of these other programs.