WHERE are the looters puting all of the stuff they take?! Everything's kind of washed away, you know? Is there any safe, dry place for them to deposit the goods??
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Originally posted by uvagradkThey're grabbing now and thinking later -- or perhaps not thinking at all.
Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
With fingernails that shine like justice
And a voice that is dark like tinted glass
Originally posted by RapunzelI just don't see myself watching my home get destroyed by rising waters and thinking, "Hmmm, I guess it's about time I ran over to the store and took that television I always wanted...." Jon just read that and said, "That's because you have no vision."He's such a goof.
That is funny
CrystalGas, and 4 kids
I think it's exactly that Jenn, stupid people acting stupidly either because they're scared, or angry or opportunists, but seriously-
"Where exactly did you think you were going to put the washing machine, dude. and did you realize that you were on National TV while you were looting and that your appalled family members and the guy you pissed off last year are going to sell you out faster than you can carry that appliance." and how about the jackass that robbed the nurse who stepped outside for a bit of air. There's a special place for people like him.
I just heard that they're saying people aren't going to be allowed back for 3-4 months. Guess those appliances will sure come in handy.
The other thing is that I'm sure these people have no idea of the extent of the damage- they're probably thinking, 'as soon as the water goes down I'll leave town' not realizing that there is no way out of town anymore.
I have been really struggling with this.
I agree with the other posters that looting is stealing and stealing is wrong. I want to say people just don't think of the ramifications of their behavior- how it will truely have an effect on someone somewhere, but maybe they are thinking- about their immediate selves. I am not justifying these people stealing case loads of wine or a washer or DVD player. I guess I want to understand why someone would do these things. I would just hope that if in that situation I would keep my moral backbone. I would hope I could be in a position to be able to heed the warnings to evacuate the city. If unable to heed the warnings then I would hope I would be in a position to take the necessary precautions. It has helped me understand why to have a portable 72 hour kit.
It's an internal moral struggle I am having right now, because I watch these people and think "Hello!!! Stupid stupid!" At the same time my heart aches and breaks for them because they now have no personal belongings as I am sitting in my cushy home with nice sunny weather outside.
I guess when I see situations happening like this is makes me realize that mankind tends to revert back to the natural man.
Not that I didn't already feel this way, but it's reinforcing that I feel truely blessed for what I have regardless of the lifestyle that comes with it
I sometimes wonder if exact locations of where relief or shelter can be found through the LDS church, Catholic churches, Red Cross, were communicated better, if it would possibly prevent some of the problems being faced right now. I am not there so I don't know. Then again, maybe I am too much of an optimist, and this is unrealistic. It's quite possible that this information was given out and people just don't listen.
Sorry for my disjointed post.
CrystalGas, and 4 kids
It has helped me understand why to have a portable 72 hour kit.
I haven't watched any of the TV coverage and have just read the newspaper headlines and listened a bit on the radio. It sounds horrific. I heard a woman saying that she was out of insulin and needed it very soon. I guess if I were in her shoes, I would probably steal some too. I'm sure that some of the people stealing things simply don't have the means to stock up on food and medication and were barely getting by before the hurricane. But major appliances?
These situations seem to bring out incredible good in some people and unbelievable bad in many others.
It's an internal moral struggle I am having right now, because I watch these people and think "Hello!!! Stupid stupid!" At the same time my heart aches and breaks for them because they now have no personal belongings as I am sitting in my cushy home with nice sunny weather outside.
You can have both.
Also, there are a lot people (poor, middle, upperclass, etc.) who are helping others right now. They too have seemingly lost everything. We won't see them on tv for a while.
Personally, I think there are many reasons people may be behaving in ways they wouldn't ever normally behave. But I just can't see this situation (coupled with other factors in their lives) as a carte blanche way to explain away a lot of the behaviors.
Annie, I agree with you. These people have lost everything, and it is so easy for us to sit at our computers and call them immoral. They are not you or I, and a lot of them are probably uneducated and impoverished to begin with. New Orleans had or did have one of the highest poverty rates in the nation. Until you are in someone elses shoes, I don't think you can judge them. Yes, stealing is wrong, and looting is stealing, but so is downloading songs off of the internet. I do that and I'm not impoverished.
While we were in college and medical school, though, I did have to use public assistance and we were pretty dang poor. We met federal poverty guidelines. TV can be a comfort. You don't know how important things become until you have nothing. People say things can be replaced, but for some of these people, how? They have no insurance, no jobs, at least not anymore. I'm sure these people don't have savings, and they live paycheck to paycheck, barely scraping by. They may be thinking of selling appliances down the road, hoarding what they can, trying to think, how am I going to make it through the next few months. How an I going to feed my family?
There is a lot of less rational thinking going on, I grant you, but I don't think we can judge them. I really don't.
Yes, they should have evacuated. A lot of people who could have evacuated didn't. Some people couldn't evacuate though. It's easy for those of us who have cars to say. "just leave!" I've thought plenty of times that a lot of these people are totally stupid, but my heart breaks for them at the same time. I think that by and large the people left behind are the most under educated and indegent portion of the population.
As for guns, I don't think piling more guns into the hands of law abiding citizens helps. IMHO, guns don't work for protection in your home. They are more likely to be used against you then to help you. If you are worried about people coming in to take your things, lock up the stuff you can, take what you can, and go as far away as you can. Everybody sitting at home with guns waiting for someone to come and rob them with more guns is only going to lead to a whole lot of people getting shot.Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.
As for guns, I don't think piling more guns into the hands of law abiding citizens helps. IMHO, guns don't work for protection in your home. They are more likely to be used against you then to help you. If you are worried about people coming in to take your things, lock up the stuff you can, take what you can, and go as far away as you can. Everybody sitting at home with guns waiting for someone to come and rob them with more guns is only going to lead to a whole lot of people getting shot.
But in this instance, with a total sense of anarchy -- and literally bands of armed gangs going from place to place looting -- I certainly would feel better having a gun to protect myself and my family. In an instance such as that, it would have nothing to do with protecting my stuff -- it would be all about protecting my person.
[quote="uvagradkAlso, there are a lot people (poor, middle, upperclass, etc.) who are helping others right now. They too have seemingly lost everything. We won't see them on tv for a while. [/quote]
I know there are a lot of people out there helping- one religious organization that we give money to is opening up their food storehouses, their churches, and homes to those affected by the hurricane across the entire Southeast. The comforting thing is the reports of people helping are coming out.
Matt says I shouldn't watch devestation and destruction while I am pregnant.I think I am just going to have the Food Network on for a couple of days. Mmmm food and pregnancy, now that sounds like a better mix.
CrystalGas, and 4 kids
Originally posted by cricketnmattMatt says I shouldn't watch devestation and destruction while I am pregnant.I think I am just going to have the Food Network on for a couple of days. Mmmm food and pregnancy, now that sounds like a better mix.
Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
With fingernails that shine like justice
And a voice that is dark like tinted glass
.......Right now, the days seem awfully dark for those affected. I understand that. But I'm confident that, with time, you'll get your life back in order. New communities will flourish......Bush...
Since this is the Debate section of the board....I can say what an idiot!
Thanks mr. president, I feel so much better now.
Originally posted by pstoneThanks mr. president, I feel so much better now.
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/01/opinion/01thu1.htmlEnabler of DW and 5 kids
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