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When is "too many?"

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  • #76
    Haha. To be honest, I find the article amusing and sharp. Yes, the quips are harsh, but I don't really believe the author hates everyone. It's just so easy to target that family, because, well... I posted the photo... Anyway, I found it to be a lighthearted social critique that was written in a style very popular these days (The Onion, Jon Stewart, etc. I would say all fall into this category.)

    Personally, I don't agree with the family and their lifestyles. It makes me sick to think of the brainwashing and stifling that is occurring there. My father came from a family of 8 kids with a Mormon mother and so maybe it's just a personal thing with super-organized religious sects. We just don't "do" that in my family.

    But, living here in VA, I see a lot of the Southern Baptists who are on the extreme end of the spectrum. The other day, I got stopped by two men on a side street while I was walking my dog. (I thought they were going to attack me and I was terrified. ) Instead, they were challenging me about whether or not I had "given myself to the Lord" and if I thought I'd be going to heaven. I have no problems with people believing what they want to believe, but don't force your views on someone who is out for an evening stroll and definitely don't exploit religion for economic gain (i.e. their websites and shows and then back to the TV evangelist convo from way back.)

    Religion is such a powerful force that I am weary of its effects on people who aren't as capable to make their own choices. I could go more into this and how I've seen it personally but that would have to be saved for a private forum...

    Sorry, I'm long-winded and just ranting now. Apologies ahead of time if I offended anyone. I'm really a very nice person, I swear...


    • #77
      Personally? I think it's creepy and wierd, and the entire thing just doesn't sit well with me. But, as I said before, they're able to support themselves so I guess other than the creepy wierdness there's nothing actually wrong with having 16 kids.

      However, I'm done at one. and we don't belong to any kind of organized religion. and my hair is short. and I work outside of the home. and my kid is gleefully in day care.

      I'm guessing there isn't a whole lot of commonality between households. But heck, as long as they all support Hillary, it's cool with me.



      • #78
        Originally posted by jloreine
        I'm guessing there isn't a whole lot of commonality between households. But heck, as long as they all support Hillary, it's cool with me.
        Haha. How many democratic Southern Baptists do YOU know?
        I'm going to put my money on 0.


        • #79
          Update...(boldface added by moi)

          LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - It's a girl — again — for the Duggars. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar welcomed their 17th child, and seventh daughter, into the world Thursday.

          Jennifer Danielle was born at 10:01 a.m. at Saint Mary's Hospital in Rogers, Ark., the Duggars said in an interview. Jennifer weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces and arrived five days after Michelle's due date.

          Less than 30 minutes after giving birth, the Duggars already were talking of having more.

          "We'd love to have more," Michelle said, adding that the girls are outnumbered seven to 10 in the family. "We love the ruffles and lace."

          Jennifer joins the fast-growing Duggar brood, who live in Tontitown in a 7,000-square-foot home. All the children — whose names start with the letter J — are home-schooled.

          The oldest is 19 and the youngest, before Jennifer, is almost 2 years old.

          "We are just so grateful to God for another gift from him," said Jim Bob Duggar, 42, a former state representative. "We are just so thankful to him that everything went just very well."

          Jennifer joins siblings Joshua, 19; John David, 17; Janna, 17; Jill, 16; Jessa, 14; Jinger, 13; Joseph, 12; Josiah, 11; Joy-Anna, 9; Jedidiah, 8; Jeremiah, 8; Jason 7; James 6; Justin, 4; Jackson, 3; Johannah, almost 2.

          The family includes two sets of twins.

          Michelle Duggar said that Joshua, Janna, Jill and Jessa were at the hospital, but that the rest of the family planned to visit their new sister later Thursday.

          Michelle Duggar said she started feeling contractions Wednesday night and went to the hospital at about 5 a.m. Thursday.

          "It actually went fast," she said. "I guess once I started progressing, it went within 30 minutes."

          Jennifer was born via a VBAC — or vaginal birth after Caesarean, Jim Bob Duggar said.

          The Duggars have been featured on several programs on cable's Discovery Health Network. The next special, the Duggar Family Album, is scheduled to air next month, Jim Bob Duggar said.

          Among the "fun facts" listed on Discovery Health's Web page devoted to the Duggars: A baby has been born in every month except June; the Duggars have gone through an estimated 90,000 diapers, and Michelle, 40, has been pregnant for 126 months — or 10.5 years — of her life.

          -Wife of urology attending.
          -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


          • #80
            You beat me to it Jane. I saw the article and was thinking, 'didn't we debate this last year?'


            • #81
              It was fun to go back and read everyone's responses.

              I am still in shock that they have 17 kids, and that they want more.
              Gas, and 4 kids


              • #82

                I am utterly fascinated by this family. I think if they want to have a million kids, go for it. Who am I to say what other folks should do with their lives? I, on the other hand, would never be able to do it, nor would I want to.

                Perhaps at some point, they will run out of J-names and have to stop. I wonder why they didn't name the girls M-names after Michelle, the mom.

                DH jokes that we should leave birth control "up to God". Always trying to get a rise out of me!
                Wife to a urologist; Mom to 2 wonderful kiddos


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Urowife
                  Always trying to get a rise out of me!
                  I suspect that you're not the one he's trying to get a rise out of...hahaha


                  • #84
                    I wonder if the first half of the kids had no childhood because they were too busy raising the second half.
                    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Luanne123
                      I wonder if the first half of the kids had no childhood because they were too busy raising the second half.

                      Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                      “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                      • #86
                        When DH's dad died he basically became the "father" of his younger brothers. I've talked to him about this and he definitely does not feel like he missed out on something or his childhood was partially "ruined" by helping raise his siblings. That does give me insight into this situation. So, the answer to if any of the kids will necessarily resent their parents because they helped take care of their siblings is, "No".
                        Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                        With fingernails that shine like justice
                        And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Tabula Rasa
                          When DH's dad died he basically became the "father" of his younger brothers. I've talked to him about this and he definitely does not feel like he missed out on something or his childhood was partially "ruined" by helping raise his siblings. That does give me insight into this situation. So, the answer to if any of the kids will necessarily resent their parents because they helped take care of their siblings is, "No".
                          I think it's very different if you're in the situation b/c of a tragedy and necessity vs. being in the situation b/c your parents keep creating more children and need babysitters.


                          • #88
                            I will say that Amanda helps out tremendously with Aidan and Zoe and Andrew is a pretty big help too....without them during the day, I think my head would just spin right off of my neck and rocket into space some days.

                            That being said....they don't "have" to take care of their's nice that they like to do it... Amanda has been known to come to me and say "can I give Zoe a bath and fix her hair?" Amanda will change Zoe's diaper if it is stinky without even thinking about it....Andrew plays trains with Aidan for hours sometimes without being asked....and at other times, if I'm busy, he'll take him for a bike ride or play with him because I've asked him too.

                            But ultimately, they know I'm the primary caregiver and that they don't have to take care of them. If there was a tragedy and they had to, I do believe that the older ones would rise to the occasion and do it out of love for their siblings. But...I agree with Jenn that that is diff. than having to care for their siblings because mom and dad keep having more.

                            Andrew and Amanda go to sleepovers at friends' houses, have sleepovers here, spend their days bike riding and playing with friends. That is...diff. than....having to take care of younger siblings because mom is homeschooling 17 of them and needs your help.

                            So I do think that their childhood could be overshadowed by having to take care of their siblings.

                            Actually, what bothers me more is that all of the boys have to dress like dad and the girls have to dress like mom. But maybe they just do that for the cameras to be cute....

                            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                            • #89
                              Please feel free to notice though that a year ago I was all "I wish I could have 17 !"

                              Ahhhh, how things have changed!

                              We are struggling greatly right now with how to provide all of our kids with the attention that they need and deserve.....right now, #3 gets the shaft constantly. We have two high maintenance tweens and 2 high maintentance toddlers. Our middle child really is hurting for attention right now and we're having to think of some creative ways to meet his needs.

                              5 kids is a LOT. 17? Holy Cow.
                              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by PrincessFiona
                                Our middle child really is hurting for attention right now and we're having to think of some creative ways to meet his needs.
                                I would bet this thought has never crossed Michelle Duggar's mind. Getting creative to find ways to meet kid's needs- uh...that takes away precious time from conceiving another child, carrying another child, and breastfeeding. As much as I am for people having the freedomto be able to live the life they want, I am very happy Michelle was NOT my mom. I see her as more a dictator running her empire than a mom. I also find her quest for maintaining the "perfect" household pretty creepy. This is totally about her, not her kids.

