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DC is a flutter!!!

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  • DC is a flutter!!!

    Oh boy, times are a changing in DC. I swear there are entire parts of the US Government that have been just dying to know what been going on the hte Grand Jury Room of Mr. Fitzgerald- who exactly is to blame for the outing of Valerie Plame as a covert CIA agent. Did Libby, Rove or Cheney do the dirty deed- if they did, what kind of indictment is going to come down. What will GWB do if it's Rove or Cheney?

    Man-oh-man. the White House is saying it's business as usual, but I can tell you the rest of DC is sitting on pins and needles.

    Rove pissed off sooo many people from both sides of the aisle (as have Cheney and Libby) and I'm sure there's some major bi-partisan celebrating going on.


  • #2
    Suzanne and I were talking about it just today .... I can't wait to see what happens.


    • #3
      It's such a DC scandal - are people thinking it might even bring down the White House machine? It makes me miss DC - no one up here EVER talks about politics.


      • #4
        Yes, it's like Christmas, isn't it? I can now imagine how the Republicans felt when the Monica Lewinsky shit hit the fan!
        Awake is the new sleep!


        • #5
          Originally posted by SueC
          Yes, it's like Christmas, isn't it? I can now imagine how the Republicans felt when the Monica Lewinsky shit hit the fan!
          Yes, Christmas is a little early for me. I agree that what comes around, goes around. Same horse, different foot.


          • #6
            And I have to say that Fitzgerald has handled this 10 zillion times better than Ken Starr. Starr's office leaked like a thin-bottomed cauldron (shout out to HP fans), and the rumour-mill ran the show. Fitzgerald has kept it professional and tight-lipped ... no one really knows what's going to happen! I don't even know Fitzgerald's party affiliation ... I just think he's done a good job thus far.


            • #7
              Yes, it's like Christmas, isn't it?


              • #8
                Nothing makes a girls day better than the day Tom Delay gets a mug shot taken. Oh wait, maybe having Rove get HIS mug shot would be better. and don't know if THIS has made national news yet, but front page of the Post yesterday there was an article about documents that Frist recieved PRIOR to the sale of his stocks....Hello? Martha? have any comment?



                • #9
                  Originally posted by jloreine
                  Nothing makes a girls day better than the day Tom Delay gets a mug shot taken. Oh wait, maybe having Rove get HIS mug shot would be better.
                  Oh please, oh please, oh please ... I'll be a good girl this year if I can only have that!

                  Originally posted by jloreine
                  and don't know if THIS has made national news yet, but front page of the Post yesterday there was an article about documents that Frist recieved PRIOR to the sale of his stocks....Hello? Martha? have any comment?Jenn
                  Yep - heard it on NPR the day before yesterday (I believe the report was based on the anticipated article in the Post, and they spoke to the reporter). I had the same thought. The ridiculous factor in this is that he wasn't breaking any laws by owning the stocks, and if he merely acknowledged the ownership of them, rather than issuing flat out denials there would be no scandal here.


                  • #10
                    This just keeps getting better and better... :>
                    I've always believed in karma, and this really drives it home, doesn't it?
                    Awake is the new sleep!


                    • #11
                      All I really have to say is that I guess this kind of puts a blow job in perspective. (finally)



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jloreine
                        All I really have to say is that I guess this kind of puts a blow job in perspective. (finally)



                        • #13
                          No, I think "outing" a CIA operative is in the ethical neighborhood of lying under oath to a Federal Grand Jury.

                          Both deserve severe penalties - most definitely.

                          Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                          With fingernails that shine like justice
                          And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Rapunzel
                            No, I think "outing" a CIA operative is in the ethical neighborhood of lying under oath to a Federal Grand Jury.

                            Both deserve severe penalties - most definitely.

                            There are a few more charges being pondered.

                            In addition to false statements, prosecutors have also considered other charges such as mishandling classified information, obstruction of justice or illegally disclosing the identity of a covert intelligence agent."
                            From Yahoo News AP report

                            And while lying is lying, and I detest the money wasted and the act of cheating on his wife .... lying about a blow job is not equivient to disclosing the name of a CIA operative, putting her life in danger and essentially ending her career. As my favorite bumper sticker says "No one died when Clinton lied."


                            • #15
                              I wwant your bumper sticker!!!!!!!!!!
                              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)

