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The Circus

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  • The Circus

    Recently I took my kids to a circus and had to explain why people were protesting at the gates. Honestly, I'm fairly neutral on the issue because quite frankly, we have much bigger fish to fry right now. Still, I'm interested in your take. I wasn't bothered by the Lions or Elephants performing their acts, but suprisingly, the horses bothered me a bit. (Hmmm...Horses, Kelly?) The act consisted of riders forcing the horses to run flat out in a tight circle while they flipped all around the horses' body. Realize that I attended this circus two weeks after the marathon and all I could think of how hard it is on my knees to run indoor track, let alone all out sprinting in the same direction. Perhaps some horse people here can allay my concerns?

    Anyway, what are your feelings on the circus? I have to say that while I have traveled extensively through several Latin countries, I have specifically choosen NEVER to see a bullfight. I mean no disrespect to the Hispanic culture, it just doesn't seem right to me.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    I have to admit that circuses (sp?) really do bother me.....I would prefer that they left out the animals and just did acrobatics and had clowns. I don't think there is anyone who can really justify that being in a circus is a good life for an animal. If I want to see the big guys, (lions, tigers, elephants) I will take my kids and go to the zoo.

    DH laughs at me about this, but it always makes me sad to see animals in the circus.

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #3
      Ok, I have to admit, I hate the circus. The only thing I ever liked about it was the cotton candy and only if my dad didn't come were we EVER able to get cotton candy. (apparently he must have had some cottn candy related mishap in his youth because the man is completely irrational about the stuff) But, I digress, as always...

      I'm not even that fond of the zoo although I recognize that there is a place for places to help save animals.



      • #4
        I hate the circus, too. I've always thought that if people wanted to do tricks - they should do it themselves. Bears dressed as clowns and elephants standing on tiny things give me no joy. That's why I think Cirque du Soilel (sp) is a good thing (although those people are probably paid a pittance and it's some sort of "bendy-people" enslavement thing).

        I like the more "modern day" zoos, b/c they have a much more animal friendly environment - but those used to bug me, too.


        • #5
          For circuses,the only thing that bothers me are the wild animals.

          Horses , camels and asian elephants are domesticated animals and have been for millenia.

          Primates, bears, and the big cats are not domesticated animals and you are really tempting nature to bring them into a tent filled with screaming children.

          I like large zoos like the MN one. Tiny ones like in my hometown, with Victorian sized cages, are horrible though.


          • #6
            Never been to a circus! How's that for weird? But, we have been to Sea World San Antonio twice. There are animal "acts" there involving dolphins, orcas, belugas, sea lions, walruses, and probably a few other animals I'm forgetting. My take was that the animals really and truly seemed to enjoy themselves. The trainers seemed to make it fun for the animals (and, these are higher-intelligence mammals that love to "play"). We got to pet and feed a bunch of dolphins and those were some happy, pampered animals, let me tell you. (One could say they were a tad on the spoiled side). The people watching over those dolphins watched us like hawks and the dolphins were completely first priority. Same thing with the other animals. I definitely got a good vibe off of the whole park - both times. We also paid to take the "behind the scenes" tour and it was fabulous! We got to go outside of the park to the area where they keep the large tanks of sharks (yes, big ones), dolphins, rays, various birds, etc. The animals there seemed to be taken care of quite well but maybe a bit bored. To me it appeared that the shows and the intense training that has to be involved prior were beneficial for the animals mentally and physically.

            Of course, I realize that this might be entirely different from the average "circus" experience. Maybe Sea World just does it right?

            I do enjoy zoos - the well-done ones. Our favorite is the San Antonio zoo (no wonder this is our favorite city!). I haven't been to the Boston zoo yet, but from what I've heard about it I don't think I'm missing too much (btw that was the zoo that had an ape escape and maim a small child and woman a couple of years ago).

            Anyway, having never been to a classic circus I can't give much of an opinion on those.

            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
            With fingernails that shine like justice
            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


            • #7
              I really hate the circus for all of the above mentioned reasons.


              • #8
                Yeah, the circus doesn't sit well with me either. I was given free tickets to one a few years ago and went and really regretted it. I'm all about taking the kids to the zoo--I think if the kids see the animals in a somewhat natural habitat, and can actually take an interest and care, then down the road they will care about preserving their natural habitats and not exploiting their habitats more than humans have already done. I read a really good book awhile back "The Intimate Nature Between Women and Animals" which is basically excerpts from women such as Jane Goodall and the like, which really had an impact on me. There were several stories about elephants who had really been mistreated during their life in the circus. I can't remember the specifics, but at the time I was shocked and saddened. I believe there are "animal-free" circuses, which I would take my kids to should one come to town.
                Awake is the new sleep!

