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Happy Holidays anyone?

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  • #16
    Jenn, in no way was that article belittling religion

    It was written BY A NUN...

    and she points out that people decorated green things long before there was a Christianity and getting worked up about 'symbols' is ridiculous.

    re-read it with your defenses DOWN.

    and when you get to the part about recognizing Christianity by being Christian, (paraphrasing) and not fighting over a Christmas tree, you'll hopefully better understand her point.

    and please, do not come back with 5000 pages of quotes and articles because to be honest, no one has time to read them two days before Christmas and Hanukkah.

    and please, have a Merry Christmas.



    • #17
      I think it is best to say "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons Greetings." I think it is respectful to people of all faiths or no faith. The offense comes in when a person of a minority faith is continually told Merry Christmas or their kids are repeatedly asked as to what Santa Claus is bringing them that year. People assume that everyone is Christian, and so, yes, minority faiths or people of no faith are often "on edge" more than they should be to feel that they have to defend their beliefs or lack of them. If someone wishes me a Merry Christmas, I am happy with that. If someone wishes me a Happy Hannakuh, I am fine with that too. I do not appreciate people asking my children what Santa will bring them. As this is a direct influence on their young minds. I feel that wishing me a Happy Holiday is the most kind. Someone was thoughtful enough to wish me good tidings without intruding their beliefs into them. Whatever. Just don't ask my kids what Santa is bringing them.

      For what it is worth, I grew up in a Christian home, and I take Christmas and celebrate the fun secular aspects of it with my family, and I find that this suits me just fine with the tradition and feelings of the season. I don't like Santa, and we prefer to use the holiday season as a season of fun and giving. People have a broad variety of beliefs, traditions, and customs. I think people ought to be respectful of that. Am I going to get all worked up if someone wishes me a Merry Christmas? No. And, if I am wished one, I will wish one back. I truly want you to have a Merry Christmas, If that is what you believe. I always start out by saying Happy Holidays though unless I know for sure that the person celebrates Christmas. Clearly clerks at stores do not know me, and I do not know them. Happy Holidays it is.
      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


      • #18

        I admit I get a little wierded out when people automatically say Merry Christmas to complete strangers, especially here in the city where you cannot possibly know what people's religious backgrounds are.

        I follow Ethical Humanism. (Be good, because this is your one a nutshell) but we celebrate the holiday for the same reasons you do, a chance to be with family, exchange gifts that celebrate the person and to enjoy the winter. I don't get personally offended by Merry Christmas or whatever but I cringe thinking about how all of the other people must feel.

        We have a full spectrum here, as well. We have nearly every denomination of Christianity, I'm pretty sure that we have Reform and Conservative Jews, We have several Muslims (don't know their specifics), Buddists, Hindus, Atheists, Agnostics, Humanists, and I know that at one time we had a Wiccan. So....

        in the spirit of goodwill- for those that celebrate a holiday in December, Happy whatever it is.


