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Martha Stewart

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  • Martha Stewart

    How do we feel about her? I cancelled my subscription many years ago b/c I felt she was ALWAYS selling something (no free access to already published articles on-line was the breaking point). But I usually do like her aesthetic, and I honestly think she's brought "beautiful" things to an "everyday" level. Meaning: I don't think Target would have the kinds of things Target has at mostly 'normal' people prices if it weren't, at least in part, due to the climate Martha largely created.

    Anyway - people really seem to either love her or hate her; think she got what she deserved, or got screwed ... I'm just curious as to where we fall.

    Honestly, I run hot and cold on her. I think she was made an example of (legally), and I think in many ways she's created an impossible standard for people to try to meet ... but I like a lot of what she has put out there.

  • #2
    I have sort of mixed feelings about her but have to give credit -- she has done an outstanding job of creating a brand based on her name and changing the way that most of America views "beautiful" things "everyday" (as you said).

    I also think her decision to take her jail term was very savvy and have to hand it to her for finding a unique way to give the federal prosecutors the middle finger. :>

    BUT, I recently attempted to read her book The Martha Rules but couldn't finish it. Too much patting herself on the back. It got annoying. The list of rules is good but self-explanatory once you read the actual rule. If she had better examples that weren't just glowing reviews of herself, I might have read further.

    No more Martha bios for me but, gawd, I would love to have her new baking book. And the 15th (I think??) anniversary magazine that has a cake for every month of the year. *drool*


    • #3
      I agree, she really brought about a change in American attitude towards nice things. Why NOT have beautiful walls when all you need is some spackle and paint? Why NOT make food that is beautiful as well as yummy?

      As for the jail term, I also think it was a smart move. Moreso since she seems to have felt it wasn't fair. "Not fair" but she will do it anyway because thats "the right thing" to do. Great PR there. If "normal people" had been charged and convicted they would have had to go...working class roots, still a real person, that sort of thing.


      • #4
        I love Martha Stewart the brand. I get all gooey over the colors and textures!! I completely agree that she made an elitist "art form" an accessible luxury. I also agree that she sets an unattainable standard that adds un-needed pressure to an already impossible American woman paradigm.

        She is clearly a shrewd business woman that was certainly targeted and made an example of. I have no doubt that she was guilty, but prosecuting guilt becomes unethical when it is done selectively.

        I am sure she is probably not a likeable person, but I have never met anyone with any amount of success in the business world that was particularly warm.
        Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!


        • #5
          I am sure she is probably not a likeable person, but I have never met anyone with any amount of success in the business world that was particularly warm.
          ITA with this. I admire her for building such a successful empire singlehandedly but also recognize that she had to step over more than a few people to get where she is today.


          • #6
            My current opinion of the woman is that she is a ruthless, unsexed (think Lady Macbeth), brilliant businessperson with impecable taste and a wonderfully creative mind that has revolutionized America in many ways.

            I've got mixed feelings about her AND her business and it's place in our culture.
            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
            With fingernails that shine like justice
            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


            • #7
              Article titled Martha Stewart's conviction upheld:
     ... /index.htm

              Again, have to hand it to her for her decision to take the jail term. I don't watch much TV news, so maybe there was more said about this than I know. But I only saw a blip of a headline. Even though it could be an issue to have a convicted felon heading a company (as the article stated), I think it would have been bigger news had she not done the time.

              I don't think she is someone I would want to work for. :!


              • #8
                I like her. I like her products and think she is very talented. I think it's awesome that she started a line at Kmart, mamking her products accessible to basically anybody. Regarding the jail term, I thought she handled it with class. Maybe I'm getting all feminist about it, but I think people can't handle a strong woman in power. She's supposed to be all kind and charitable (think Oprah) and if she has a bitchy side, then we can't stand her. I'm sure all kinds of male CEO's can get away with ruthless business tactics and nobody bats an eyelash.
                Awake is the new sleep!

