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Ned Lamont

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  • Ned Lamont

    Now I'm all for democracy, and I'm all for voting out the bums.
    This said, I think Connecticut voters made a humongous mistake this week.
    Joe Lieberman has been a fantastic senator, and he's somebody who is honest and forthright. He does not serve any corporate interest, and breaks party lines when he thinks it's the right thing to do.
    I guess that's what got him in trouble.
    So now we've got as our candidate this rich bozo from Greenwich who knows nothing about poliltics. Given reversed circumstances I'll bet all his supporters would have derided him for growing up privileged and being an outsider, while supporting Joe who's pulled himself up by his own bootstraps, and went down south to march for voting rights, etc etc.
    I am glad that he plans to run as an independent - I'll certainly vote for him. I'm totally out of synch with the democrats on this one. I think they're heading down the wrong path with this candidate, and I think discarding Joe based on one issue is a big old blooey.

    (I think there's something more sinister going on in the voters discarding Joe at the same time as there being viscious anti-Israel rhetoric in much of the media and liberal press....but I won't go there).
    Enabler of DW and 5 kids
    Let's go Mets!

  • #2
    I totally agree. No debate from me.


    • #3
      Because I can't debate about politics, and dont really keep up on these things, I'll just repeat what dh said last night.

      "Lieberman knew that he would not win. Now he will run independent on the presidential ticket. This will swing the vote to the republicans. He is 2008's Ross Perot."

      I think that is how he put it.
      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


      • #4
        I agree with you, fluffhead. I was sad to see him treated the way he was by the voters in Connecticut. I wish the polarization would END!

        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


        • #5
          Oh please guys.... turn off Fox News :> This is exactly the poop I heard being spewed out last night. The unhappiness with Lieberman had nothing to do with his jewishness or Israel. Seriously, the voters dumped him because of his stance on the war and his seemingly butt-kissing attitude towards Bush. If you followed any of the left-leaning blogs/websites over the last couple of years you would find that sentiment towards Lieberman has gradually declined (completely unrelated to Israel).

          This time it is the republicans that are trying to turn this into a conspiracy....They are trying to make it look like the dems that don't like Lieberman are anti-Israel and anti-jew. I think that's really below-the belt.

          And...For the love of God...just because someone doesn't support our policy of unbridled passion for Israel does not mean we are anti-jew or anti-israel.

          I liked lieberman until he seemed like he was turning into Bush's lap dog. It has nothing to do with his religion or cultural background. I would have voted him out if I lived in CT too....and it has nothing to do with Israel. For your viewing entertainment --------> :>
          Watch the Joe Lieberman Lies about Bush Kiss clip...crack me up. :>



          Flame away.
          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #6
            Kris, you kill me.
            ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


            • #7

              I might have to ban myself.
              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


              • #8

                Is this the Krispy Kreme talking?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by PrincessFiona
                  I would have voted him out if I lived in CT too....and it has nothing to do with Israel.
                  In this close of a race? Nah - you would have written in Nader's name.

                  I haven't paid enough attention to this to have a real opinion, and most of my "media" is on NPR which I haven't found to be doing much Israel-bashing.


                  • #10
                    MOI???? Flame?!?!?!
                    I'd sooner mock.
                    The blogs are mindless drivel. And I do believe subtle anti-semitism has got alot to do with it, and I never watch fox snooze. I developed all these brilliant theories simply by drinking alot.
                    I'm not proposing that every Lamont voter is a goose-stepping Wagner fan, but I think that the roots of this odd preference for an overprivileged neophyte over a seasoned and until-recently very popular veteran can only be found in two areas:
                    1) Lowell Weicker finally exacting his revenge
                    2) Lowell Weicker and the Greenwich Bluebloods drawing on simmering feelings of bitterness about the war, and allowing people to use their own sometimes unrecognized biases to get a groundswell of support going, which could then develop further among the regular folk.

                    I think the bulk of the Lamont voters were misled and used. And I think they made a big big mistake, if this is indicative of the direction the midterm elections are gonna take. The Republicans are gonna be snickering tonight, because once again, we're going to alienate 51% of america to the extent that they'll vote for a drunk-driving cokehead rather than align themselves with "wacko lefties"

                    now, FLAME OFF!
                    Enabler of DW and 5 kids
                    Let's go Mets!


                    • #11
                      I don't know when the last time was that I watched Fox News. Like Fluff, but without the benefit of alcohol, I thought of this after listening to both Lieberman and Lamont on NPRs Talk of the Nation last week. I don't know much about the kissing of GWB, ass or otherwise, but agree with most of what Lieberman said about the war.


                      • #12
                        I think there are two issues:

                        1) subtle anti-semitism

                        2) the vote the bum out mentality (he wasn't the only moderate who lost)

                        In any case it'll be interesting to see what's going on.



                        • #13
                          I hadn't even heard about the anti-Semitism issue until I read it here, and I watch NOTHING resembling a news channel, except for the first 30 minutes or so of the Today Show, so I am probably not well-informed, but I just thought it was sad that a moderate voice was so decisively shut down......doesn't bode well for our country, imo.

                          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                          "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                          • #14
                            I honestly don't think Lieberman is a moderate.



                            • #15
                              There is a lot of talk right now about people being tired of the incumbents and wanting to vote for change.....and it is supposed to hit both the dems and republicans.

                              I was thinking about where I heard the comments yesterday that bothered me so much and now I remember...It was Tony Snow (Might as well have been Fox New) at a press conference. With everything important going on (Iraq, Middlea East breakdown, etc) he was busy discussing Lieberman as if this was a story of huge national interest.

                              Quite frankly, imo (for what it's worth) it isn't. Snow made some very sad attempts to talk down to the voters of Connecticut who, as a democratic State voted "no" to Lieberman. When similar things have happened and Republicans have been voted out for chumming up too much politically with the other side, etc no one was running around screaming anti-semitism or 'republicans gone mad' etc.

                              I don't really feel that I connect with Lieberman at all...not because he is Jewish but because (bad voter here) I just don't feel the love with Lieberman like I do with people like Barak Obama, for example.

                              Lieberman made some unpopular choices that he knew could jump up and hurt him and they has nothing to do with some sort of anti-semitism....I refuse to believe that. That is just a way of framing it to try and pull down the democrats even farther than where they are standing right now.

                              BTW, Hillary has also been dogged really hard by some of the dems as well for her seeming support of the war despite her giving talks about why she chose to support the bill way back when.

                              I think it is more about finding party unity and not about punishing those who "cross party lines"...and Lieberman didn't just seem to be reaching across to the other side...He seemed to be cuddling up .....He'll also likely run as an independent...further proof that he really just doesn't identify with the democrats anymore. (Who does, really, anymore?) Why, though, should democrats vote for him if he doesn't stand for what they believe in? The dems in CT are punishing Lieberman for cozying up to Bush and being so supportive of the this democracy, they have the right to vote out people who don't support their ideals of the democratic they're being taken to task as if they are anti-semites or are pooping on their own party and have gone mad..

                              LaMont, btw, is absolutely no all. It was sort of like the last election...who do you vote for? dumb or dumber?

                              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

