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Mandatory drug testing

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  • Mandatory drug testing

    IMHCIO (CI= constitutionally ignorant), this is begging for a challenge at the supreme court level. These kids are entitled to public school education, and are entitled to play sports. What they do on the weekends or evenings should have no impact on their school life, UNLESS they're visibly impaired at school, or an athletic event. I think this is a HUGE invasion of privacy, and just taking things WAY too far.
    wow, I'm outta control with these capital letters.
    In general, I think performance testing is a much better idea than drug testing - for instance, you have a baseline performance on some video game for an employee. When you test him, if he scores x% lower than that baseline, he can't perform his duties that day at the factory, ocean vessel, fire truck, whatever. This might be due to illness or hangover.
    But for those employees who can do heroin on the weekends and still perform at their jobs effectively, more power to them.

    flame away!
    Enabler of DW and 5 kids
    Let's go Mets!

  • #2
    Unfortunately, if they get parental approval, they can test whomever they want. If they're attempting to test 18 yos without consent, then wooo boy, there are some major violations.



    • #3
      In my school district, they would (once or twice a year) line us all up around the gym... small school but still a large snakey Then the cops would come in with dogs and go up and down the lines, just making sure noone had pot on them. I even got searched one year in the principal's office because some girl I didn't get along with made up a rumor about me. Nothing was found, of course, and I bawled. Anyway, it was fairly common in my area...

      As for an opinion, I'm all out of those for a couple days.


      • #4
        Good god, guess I would have been totally busted with the pot in my locker in Junior High. and it wasn't even mine. (which is why it was stored in my locker)

        90% of the kids in my highschool would have probably tested positive for something. Bored middle class suburban kids, don't ya know.



        • #5
          What Fluff said.

          I *hate* too sound all liberal here (it chafes me to even admit that I'm feeling this way) but we as a society need to be VERY cautious about the civil liberties that we continue to cede to the Government in the name of security and protection. (In this case, ostensibly the school district/government actor hopes to protect the youth from their own youthful indiscretions.)

          Countless people have died to be free from the types of government intrusions that are becoming increasingly commonplace in today's age of fear. This falls under the rubric of "you don't know what you got 'til its gone". We need to stand up for ourselves, people!

          O.K. I'm off to cleanse myself for admitting to such liberal pinings.

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            Or are you off to renew your ACLU membership?

            I *completely* agree!


            • #7

              here is my very cyncial question...why is it ok for a child to get a pregnancy termination without parental consent (which I totally oppose) but not notifying parents about drug testing (totally non-invasive/not harmful) is HUGE?

              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

