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Runaway bride: Psycho, yes or no?

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  • Runaway bride: Psycho, yes or no?

    She is definitely a headline grabber, but I am not sure I would want those headlines-

    LAWRENCEVILLE, Georgia (AP) -- The runaway bride is taking her former fiance to court, claiming he took advantage of her hospitalization to defraud her of her share of the proceeds from a book deal about their adventure.

    Jennifer Wilbanks' lawsuit follows a dispute in recent months over personal items -- such as a new vacuum cleaner, a ladder, a gold-colored sofa and various wedding shower gifts,

    She claims ex-boyfriend John C. Mason never returned the items. (Watch why the runaway bride is running to court -- 1:49)

    Wilbanks, then 32, ran off four days before she was to be married in a lavish wedding in 2005. She turned up in New Mexico, claiming she had been abducted and sexually assaulted.

    She later recanted, saying she fled because of personal issues, and pleaded no contest to telling police a phony story.

    She was sentenced to two years' probation and performed community service that included mowing the lawns at public buildings.

    In a lawsuit filed September 13, she and her lawyer said that while she was hospitalized and under medication, she granted Mason power of attorney to negotiate the sale of the couple's story to a publisher in New York, and Mason struck a deal for $500,000.

    But she said Mason used the money to buy a house in his name only, and later evicted Wilbanks from the home.

    She is seeking $250,000 as her share of the home, and $250,000 in punitive damages for alleged abuse of the power of attorney.

    Mason's attorney, James C. Watkins, did not immediately return a call for comment Tuesday.

    Wilbanks and Mason broke up for good in May.

    Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
    Mom to three wild women.

  • #2

    Poor guy. I think she must have been a piece of work.



    • #3
      I agree with Jenn.


      • #4
        If they were given money from a book deal why shouldn't she get 1/2 of it when they broke up? Sounds to me like he bought the house to hide it from her. Mental issues or not she should get 1/2 of what they were paid.
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          I think she's psycho. If she wasn't on the contract when 'their' story was sold, then 'they' weren't paid anything. She caused the story - by faking an abduction to avoid marrying the guy (think of the embarrassment!)and wasting thousands of taxpayer $'s, not to mention the heartache of her parents. And what about the $ spent by people planning to attend this massive wedding?

          If the story was sold by him (and he must have had one to tell!) then the $ wasn't theirs. If it was sold by both of them, then he needs to share it.

          But she's nutty either way.


          • #6
            To me, crazy or not, she should get half. Even if he sold the story on his own while she was mentally incapaticated it's 'their' story. It wouldn't have gotten a book deal if she hadn't gone nuts and ran off and created the whole mess to begin with. Sounds like crazy peeps on both sides, she was just the one who acted out.
            Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


            • #7
              I guess I just don't feel like running away, faking abduction, inconviencing her 600 guests, and not being responsible for her own actions should be rewarded. If he was willing (at that point) to stand by her through what had to have been a totally humilating experience (think: his financee couldn't just call off the wedding like a normal person, she had to put her family through hell, tap out the police deptartment, etc.) then kudos for whatever he could take away from the experience.


              • #8
                Oh I think she should get it, only to hand it over to the involved authorities/cities for the expenses they incurred!


                • #9
                  FUBAR. I can't help but think who will be the schmuck who get involved with her even after all of this craziness is out there. Man, you don't even need to know the whole story -- just look at her eyes in the photos. If those aren't "crazy" eyes....


                  • #10
                    She really just deserves nothing...Her portion should go directly to the taxpayers who payed for her little stunt.

                    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                    • #11
                      I agree with pinkpickles and Kris.

                      She can get half if she pays back our tax $$ first.

                      PS. She's still nutso.


                      • #12
                        she did repay $15K to the local police ... but I can't imagine that covered it. plus, wasn't it during the Laci Peterson trial??? she just played on the emotions of the nation, probably took media coverage from someone who was REALLY missing (but not pretty and white w/a 600 person wedding and a ready-made tag line). she should get NOTHING and like that she is still a free person, free to screw up someone else's life!

                        wow. i seriously have opinons on this one!

