Originally posted by jesher
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Typing one handed sorry...
I'm rarely in the debate forum...I suck at arguing without emotions...but I had to comment...I started that pregnancy forum thread a while back b/c of mothering.com.....they got way too doc bashing for me....but I liked having a place to learn...I never knew about AP but now that I do...I'm trying it....but I find that their 'support' for 'soggy' moms trying to learn VERY lacking. Now that I mostly hang out in their NICU thread, I found a group who seems more like me...those moms HAVE to trust docs/medicine...our kids wouldn't survive without it...
I want to try cloth diapers, but the only person who isn't completely grossed out and against it is my MIL and we don't copnnect very well...I guess it would be me doing all the work with it so I shouldn't care wgat others think, but Russ isn't very supportive of it.
I'm not comfortable with reusable personal hygeine stuff...like mama cloths etc....I guess baby poo is ok, but my body is gross???
I want to nurse a while, but I don't really know how old is too old...I'm a little disturbed seeing >2yos at the LLL mtgs nursing...they run up to mom and lift her shirt! But I'm still not really nursing Daegan yet, so maybe my thoughts will change once I'm there...but still I think that at 2yo maybe just nursing at night or something??I thinmk it's the 2yo in public thing that kinda gets me...
We're delaying Daegans vax for a few months and people think we're weird. I used canvas bags for groceries etc and get strange looks....we alos have to drive our recyclables to the center.
I use regular soap/detergent though...I can't just wash with vinear or whatever...and I love my Bobbi Brown makeup...so I get annoyed when they start bashing that kinda stuff. I cant garden worth anything, but I would love to have my own veggises etc...I want to take sewing lessons to at least be able to alter my own clothes....I'm going to try to make Daegan's baby food...we'll see how that goes.
I'm not comfortable when crunchy becomes dirty/unkempt...I think long armpit hair on females is gross...
I've strongly considered home schooling, but do believe that they should learn what is taught in schools...and be tested onit as well..there should be standards for education all around. I also think there is a place for spanking...
My biggest problem with MDC is the way some moms are soooo mean and pushy about their views. And sooo defensive about their choices...makes it seem sometimes as if they aren't truly comfortable with their choices.Mom of 3, Veterinarian
I am not "crunchy."
I think that breastfeeding until a child is old enough to walk up to you, lift up your shirt, and ask for their lunch in public is too old.
I did let my kids sleep with me in my bed until it didn't work well anymore (they started kicking me).
I breastfed as long as I could with both kids. With Ryan, that was less than two weeks. He had an attached frenulum that required reconstructive mouth surgery at 4 years old, and he could not physically latch on. With Alexia, I had recurrent mastitis and ended up with a resistant infection and in the hospital on IV antibiotics. I could not take care of her AND breastfeed. I gave it up after that. She was three months old. I hate that I have ever felt a moment of guilt for either of these decisions, and I did. Less so with Alexia because she was my second, and I felt so much guilt about Ryan. What kind of mother can't feed her own baby?
I used disposable diapers. Still do.
I did not make my own baby food. Neither of them really liked jarred babyfood. I fed them off my plate when they were old enough to handle it.
I send my son to public school.
I like doctors and medicine, and for the most part I think "natural" remedies are a bunch of hooey.
These are all my opinions, and I don't think they are right or wrong. They are just what worked for me. I hate that other mothers feel the need to make others feel bad about their choices. In the end, we all want the same things. We want what is best for our kids and for them to be happy and healthy.
My using disposable diapers and not being able to breastfeed for two years doesn't make me any less of a mother to my kids.Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.
im a formula feeding, breast milk pumping, no to herbs, yes to vax and circ, disposable diaper wearing, spanking if necessary, showering, shaving, Rx taking, antibiotic giving, BST milk drinking, hormone meat eating, non organic veggie and fruit eating, non co-sleeping, non baby wearing, hospital birthing, C-sectionX3 loving mom. my kids are smart, for the most part well adjusted, polite, active, healthy, not fat, loving, affectionate, and bonded.
i dont care what others do, just dont shove your beliefs down my throat. it's all about what is right for you and your family.
that is why i only lurke on that forum....they would lynch me if i was a member.
p.s i do own three pairs of birkenstocks tho...does that count?~shacked up with an ob/gyn~
okay - just browsing over there out of boredom tonight (where ARE you people?) and I have to say ... they have some SCARY emoticons! Especially the BF toddler ones!
and ... I need a tracyism here ... but Help Me Maude ... they have entire threads about "restoring" a circed penis! I did not know anyone did such a thing!
Help me. I'm scared. I'm still surfing over there - it's like a car accident -- you don't WANT to look -- but you keep finding threads w/wacky names like
"Curly haired mamas who poo" (turns out 'poo' is shampoo, b/c some of them don't)
"Fleas! The natural way to get rid of 'em for baby." Ummm ... here's an idea! Use real soap!
"Elimination Communication"
I realize I might just be a close-minded fuddy-duddy ... but COME ON!
.... now I am tearing myself away from the computer so that I make fun no more.
I tried mothering.com many moons ago and was turned off by the doctor bashing, anti-immunization movement and the super-circ hysteria. We didn't circumcize, but really....if someone chooses to circumcize it is 1. their choice and 2. no big deal. They acted like it was child abuse. One woman in particular had had her little boy circed and it was a botched job. He basically had some foreskin left that had a hole in it...and his little penis kept getting caught in it. The women and men there were shrieking at her not to have the rest of the skin removedeven though the child had redness and obvious pain/issues with the extra skin.
It was breastfeeding or bust, cloth diapers or you're killing the planet (forget the amount of water being used to wash the cloth diapersand the impact on the environment...but we did use cloth diapers with #1 for a few weeks). I got tired of there always being extreme views and so I ended up eventually finding some other places. Life is controversial enough.
kris~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss