Looking at that link, it seems that many women choose to have an unassisted birth because there is no midwife available. This is the problem I have with it. That they would put themselves and their babies at risk JUST because they want a solitary, intimate experience is awful. I'm not against homebirths. I know that many of these midwives are very experienced and well trained. My grandmother had seven kids at home with a midwife present. They didn't go to the hospital back then but if there were any problems they would still call a doctor.
To say that childbirth is a natural thing and no medical intervention is necessary is fine, but a line must be drawn somewhere. Back when women didn't go to the hospital for childbirth, the number of women and babies that died during was very high. Saying that it is all a personal choice doesn't cut it. People make bad choices all the time. Do they have the right to put their babies at risk because they want an unassisted birth?
To say that childbirth is a natural thing and no medical intervention is necessary is fine, but a line must be drawn somewhere. Back when women didn't go to the hospital for childbirth, the number of women and babies that died during was very high. Saying that it is all a personal choice doesn't cut it. People make bad choices all the time. Do they have the right to put their babies at risk because they want an unassisted birth?