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Tatoos ,arm bands & camps??

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  • Tatoos ,arm bands & camps??

    I always receive e-mails from friends who are concerned for me& my family...I usually don't fixate on them, as it would be depressing. This particular e-mail, was one that I didn't just "skip over". I actually listened to the entire audio link of the radio show...

    CAIR says callers' reaction is a 'wake-up call' on Anti-Muslim bigotry

    (WASHINGTON, D.C., 11/27/06) - A parody of anti-Muslim bigotry on a Washington, D.C., radio station drew support for treating American Muslims in a manner similar to how the Jewish community was targeted in Nazi Germany.

    The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said today that the reaction to the parody is a "wake-up call" for religious and political leaders who remain silent on the issue of growing Islamophobia in America.

    In his 630 WMAL program on Sunday, November 26, talk show host Jerry Klein seemed to advocate a government program to force all Muslims to wear "identifying markers." He stated: "I'm thinking either it should be an arm band, a crescent moon arm band, or it should be a crescent moon tattoo." (4:00) Klein said: "If it means that we have to round them up and do a tattoo in a place where everybody knows where to find it, then that's what we'll have to do." (11:38

    [The program focused on public reaction to the removal of six Imams, or Islamic religious leaders, from a US Airways flight in Minnesota last week.]

    Some callers to the program rejected discriminatory treatment of Muslims, but others supported Klein's statements and even suggested that even more severe measures be taken against American Muslims. "Richard" in Gaithersburg, Md., said: "Not only do you tattoo them in the middle of their foreheads; you round them up and then ship them out of this country, period." (15:58

    "Heath" in Upper Marlboro, Md., said: "I don't think you go far enough. . .you have to set up encampments like they did during World War II like with the Japanese and Germans." (23:50)

    Later in the program, Klein revealed that his call for discriminatory actions against Muslims was "baloney." Klein said: "I can't believe any of you, any of you, are sick enough to have agreed for one second with anything that I have said in the last half hour." (25:15)

    To listen to the entire program, go to: (Scroll to the bottom of the page for streaming audio.) (download)

    [IMPORTANT NOTE: Listen to the entire program. Jerry Klein was NOT advocating discriminatory measures against American Muslims. He was actually ridiculing and exposing anti-Muslim bigotry.]

    "The public reaction to Mr. Klein's courageous parody should be a wake-up call for American religious and political leaders who remain silent in the face of growing anti-Muslim bigotry in our society," said CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper. "Americans of all faiths must come together to marginalize extremists and to challenge ethnic and religious bigotry."

    [Send a letter of thanks to Jerry Klein for exposing anti-Muslim bigotry in our society. E-MAIL: COPY TO: ]

    CAIR, America's largest Islamic civil liberties group, has 32 offices and chapters nationwide and in Canada. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

    - END -

  • #2
    People scare me. I'd like to think that the US government is at the very least "politically correct" enough not to allow something like that to happen. Not a good enough reason to prohibit such actions - but if it's only the concern over PC backlash that will keep them from doing it, so be it.

    While we are not Muslim, I share your concerns w/the narrow-mindedness of the general population. My children look neither white or Indian, and to someone hateful enough to have such a blanket bias, they might be mistaken for Arab. I would share such concerns no matter what, but do have a personal stake as well.


    • #3
      Why is it that the people who are 99% likely to claim the second amendment as their own and are ready to fence off all of mexico and none of Canada forget that the entire premise for this country has been religious tolerance.

      It's as much racism as it is religious intolerance, IMO.

      I remember after 9/11 my yoga instructor and her husband were targeted by some of our more tolerant members of San Antonio society- (they're Sikhs and wear turbans). It was ridiculous. (and the funniest part is that Mhan Rishi's family DID come over on the Mayflower.)

      I'm not surprised but I am saddened.

      and gee, ya think that growing up in Gaithersburg is the reason why I'll never live in the suburbs again? My first boyfriend Dear God, you would have thought I was dating the Devil. My friend's grandfather told me I was only dating him "out of desperation". (ummm, nope- dating him because he's funny, nice, a Senior and he's HOT. and Captain of the football team)

      Pink Pickles, keep your family safe but don't back down from the asshats. We've got your back. Heidi'll fire up the bus if necessary.


