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Drinking in Pregnancy

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  • #31
    I think having a couple of drinks in later pregnancy vs. not is a pretty silly thing to get up in arms about or feel superior over. For instance, the mother catching a virus during pregnancy has potentially devestating and much more substantiated effects on a developing fetus than a few sips of wine, or hair coloring, or any of the other things pregnant women and the fear mongers around them like to fixate on. I know this fact, and still as a pregnant woman I take my children to indoor playgrounds (aka-germ pits) all the time.

    Is it safer to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy, most likely. Are a few random drinks during late pregnancy anymore risky than say- a scheduled induction for convienance? Taking antidepressants for mild depression while pregnant? Forgoing prenatal vitamins because they make the pregnant woman feel pukey? Probably not, as there is much more sound and convincing evidence for any of those things being marginally detrimental than there is for occasional light alcohol use in late pregnancy.

    And I agree, that study is bunk. I did not drink during my pregnancies (bar the sip of champagne on my anniversary). But I am a health psycho, my kids eat no artificial flavors/colors, no MSG, east mostly organic, and watch very little TV. I would suspect that with zillions of factors like those are much more likely to contribute to how violent/non-violent my children behave than if I had a few glasses of wine while gestating them.

    I think this is all just part of the mommy wars. There is a woman I am forced to socialize with at a playgroup I am involved in. She ALWAYS comments on my ever present morning cup of coffee - and comments everytime how she would NEVER consume caffieine while pregnant. However she will knowingly TTC at 100 pounds over her ideal BMI, cheat on her gestational diabetic diet and have willy nilly blood sugars, and take Ambien to get better sleep in late pregnancy

    Personally, I have no desire to join the pregnancy police. I hate how pregnancy in our culture is not viewed as a normal part of a woman's life cycle, but instead some drama and fear filled event that has to be scrutinized to death. [/b]
    Rebecca, wife to handsome gyn-onc, and mom 4 awesome kiddos: 8,6,4, and 2.


    • #32
      Actually, I don't think that the issue of drinking during pregnancy is part of the mommy wars at all...even if one of the articles that I found on the fly and posted might be perceived as *bunk*.

      I think that we should do what we can to have healthy pregnancies ...

      I wonder what we would say if someone here suggested that they were going to smoke 1/2 of a cigarette once a month. Would we all be appalled?

      What about the mom who smokes a single joint just a couple of times during her pregnancy?

      Alcohol is a drug. It is mind-altering and kills brain cells in the adult.

      That all being said, it is probably true that a drink or a few sips here and there won't hurt during pregancy. I didn't choose to drink just because there isn't a 100% guarantee that there would be no damage...and alcohol isn't a big part of my giving it up was not a big issue. Now, giving up McDonalds french fries was a whole other I'm not judging.

      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


      • #33
        Originally posted by PrincessFiona
        I wonder what we would say if someone here suggested that they were going to smoke 1/2 of a cigarette once a month. Would we all be appalled?

        What about the mom who smokes a single joint just a couple of times during her pregnancy?

        Alcohol is a drug. It is mind-altering and kills brain cells in the adult.
        Alcohol is a drug mind-altering in large volume, but has been found to be beneficial to an adult's heart-health in moderation (granted, not during pregnancy). The same cannot be said for cigarettes.


        • #34
          I thought it turned out that the study linking moderate drinking to coronary health had been picked apart because any known benefits were felt to be outweighed by the known damaging consequences. The source for that is the Lancet. In addition, a Danish study published recently showed that the cardioprotection did not extend to women for some reason. The study attributed this to possibly being caused by hormones, differences in the processing of alcohol by women or other lifestyle issues. Of course, that study had it's flaws as did the other studies claiming benefits (which didn't account for the smokers/reformed smokers in their abstainers group )

 ... ne.lancet/

          Well, here I am making friends in the debate forum as usual I suppose it's just time for me to bow out of the conversation.

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #35
            I think it gets back to knowledge is everything-

            Here this group, a generally VERY well-educated group of people debating the merits of eating brie, sipping the occasional glass of wine, cooking our veggies and eating red meat.

            and everyone here is more than willing to accept the consequences of their decisions.

            The bigger debate lies in how we educate people about the risk factors of any and all of the above and much, much worse. Trust me when I tell you for a HUGE amount of women, the occasional glass of wine would be a Very Positive Step. 75% of the women who are pregnant at our methadone clinic have already had CPS involvement for previously born children. Think about that one for a moment.

            Just some of the societal impact:
            Foster Care for weeks, months, years
            NICU stays of months
            Emotional wreckage for mom and children
            Stigma of addiction
            Stigma of treatment

            If you all seriously want my opinion (and none of you have said that you do but too bad)

            Do what feels right for you. and realize that we have much bigger problems as a society than whether a doctor or a doctor's wife has a flippin' glass of champagne. and don't judge.

            Stepping back into my methadone-based paycheck.


            • #36
              We have bigger problems than debating taking a single sip of alcohol while pregnant here on the iMSN? WHAT?!? Not Me. :>

              Hey...I care about everyone that's posted here and I'm not judging (just fyi)...I just enjoy debating. If I've hurt someone's feelings in any way, feel free to drive right over here and I'll .... pop open a bottle of champagne and drag the bonbons out!'s 5pm somewhere in the world
              Oh...but since I've been online 1/2 the day reading this thread, surfing the web and responding to this'll have to step over the toys/cheerios etc littering my floor. I hope you won't judge me for the mess though

              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


              • #37
                Jenn, you are actually saying what my DH would say to me when I asked him obsessive questions during my 1st pregnancy, while he was an OB resident at a large inner-city hospital with a high risk population. I think his exact quote was
                "I deliver crack babies to moms with mutant STD's everyday that come out fine, so sorry if I can't get worked up about soft cheese and a sip of merlot"
                Rebecca, wife to handsome gyn-onc, and mom 4 awesome kiddos: 8,6,4, and 2.


                • #38
                  Not to...nitpic...but can't the neurological/behavioral problems associated with things like being exposed to crack in utero also take years to show up? How can you know just by looking at a seemingly healthy infant when it's born that the brain hasn't been damaged?
                  ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                  ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                  • #39
                    Well- it was a joke Not meant to be taken literally.

                    I think what he was saying is that I should stop losing sleep over the one spinach and feta salad I ate before I found out about the soft cheese rule. Or, that I was his nightmare OB patient from hell-- something like that
                    Rebecca, wife to handsome gyn-onc, and mom 4 awesome kiddos: 8,6,4, and 2.


                    • #40
                      Remember the crack babies of yesteryear?

                      They're pretty much fine- at least intellectually and behaviorally. Especially if they were not placed back with the crack heads. I'll get the link from our Doc- we were just discussing this very thing. and methadone babies are pretty normal, too. Now- some people have said that these kids have a higher prediliction for addiction much like alcoholics seem to have a genetic component- I wouldn't be surprised but so much of what we see here is as much nurture (or lack thereof).

                      We have FOUR generations of one family here.



                      • #41
                        That is so interesting about the crack/methadone babies, Jenn. Baby's brains are amazing...and we can't discount the role of the placenta in filtering stuff out as well, eh?

                        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Beccaroo
                          Jenn, you are actually saying what my DH would say to me when I asked him obsessive questions during my 1st pregnancy, while he was an OB resident at a large inner-city hospital with a high risk population. I think his exact quote was
                          "I deliver crack babies to moms with mutant STD's everyday that come out fine, so sorry if I can't get worked up about soft cheese and a sip of merlot"
                          My dh said the same. "Jenn - the kid will be fine as long as you stop smoking crack for the first trimester."

                          So that's what I told people I had done. -Just for the first trimester.


                          • #43
                            Well, seems there are the people who NEED their wine and those that don't. Not much of a it ever?

                            Anyone ever really change their mind here?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by pstone

                              Anyone ever really change their mind here?
                              No But we sure entertain ourselves trying. We blew out the website today

                              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by PrincessFiona
                                Hey...I care about everyone that's posted here and I'm not judging (just fyi)...I just enjoy debating.
                                ITA with you Kris. It's healthy to stimulate conversation and look at every point of view. Some people can be easily swayed by what they read. Thankfully we have educated, smart people in this group capable of analyzing articles, statistics etc and then contribute varying perspectives.

                                I am in the camp that an occasional glass of wine isn't a big deal. However, when I get pregnant, I plan to live in a bubble! But that's just cuz I am a paranoid freakazoid!

