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What was the best job you have ever had?

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  • What was the best job you have ever had?

    And why?

  • #2
    I guess I should answer my own question, so here it goes.

    My best job was, believe it or not, during my time in West Virginia. I had a really rough time finding a job for a while, but I met a few great individuals who helped connect me with the right people.

    I was working at United Way and enjoyed the people I worked with. It really was not so much the work, but the people I worked with. Sure, the job had its pros and cons, but all in all, I had a wonderful boss.

    Let's just put it this way, I would work for her for the rest of my life and be the happiest person. However, that would mean I would have to live in West Virginia for the rest of my life... no thank you.

    She gave me complete and total autonomy, only stepped in to help whenever I asked or needed her. Always available for you no matter how busy she was. I never once felt uncomfortable or ackward around her. Never demeaned you or made you feel stupid in your decisions and work product. She was able to identify my talents and experiences and put it to use. She was just one of those people who could make you feel completely accepted and comfortable in your skin.

    I remember asking her once what helped her become such an effective manager/boss? All she said to me, which makes total and complete sense, was that with all the jobs she worked in, she remembered how her bosses made her feel, the good ones and the bad. She never forgot her experiences and applies what she's learn to this day. Oh how I aspire to be like her someday.

    I constantly bring up my old boss to DH and tell him there is never anyone who will be able to replace her. That was by far the best job I have ever had, thanks to my boss.


    • #3
      The best job I ever had...While I was in graduate school, I had a job at an alternative (Indie) movie theater. Everyone who worked there was young and hip and it was just so much fun. I could read for class in between films, watch movies for free and hang out with people I liked all day. The one downside...coming home smelling like buttered popcorn
      Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


      • #4
        Danielle - That sounds great!

        Um, I think my favorite job was waitressing in college. haha. I worked with my friends, had a lot of fun, and got discounts on food and drinks. Plus, I was mobile and upbeat and met a lot of great customers who would request me. After work, we'd lock the doors and all hang out drinking and talking and watching TV in the bar area. Or we'd go out together.


        • #5
          I worked at a chocolate factory during grad school. That didn't suck.

          My last 'real' job in the MR/DD field was as a Federal surveyor and while difficult, I think we did really important work in keeping people safe in their homes and jobs.



          • #6

            (My second, full-time job...)


            • #7
              I spent a summer working on a training ranch with track thoroughbreds. I loved everything about it, even the smells!


              • #8
                Originally posted by planet
                I spent a summer working on a training ranch with track thoroughbreds. I loved everything about it, even the smells!



                • #9
                  During High School I was a valet at a country club. Made minimum wage plus excellent tips, and drove all the great cars. I drove one of the first vipers in town in the early 90s and also many other great sports cars.

                  The chef liked me and my friend I worked with, so he would make us filets before the members came, and we would play gin rummy and listen to football games waiting for the members to finish their dinners.
                  Husband of an amazing female physician!


                  • #10
                    I have 2, and both of them paid minimum wage:
                    Working for my MIL when she had a small bookstore in one of the most beautiful places in Canada. It was great, I got to read all the books I wanted, and because it was a family business I actually cared about doing a good job with the customers etc.
                    My last summer of undergrad I got a job as a research assistant for one of the geology profs, and got to hang out at the lake all summer doing science and having a laugh with the great people I was working with.


                    • #11
                      Working in a wooden toy shop, my high school job, a friend's parents own the shop and we made everything from wooden cars to puzzles to dollhouses. It was a great high school job.
                      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                      • #12
                        Internship between junior and senior years in college. I was interning with another girl at an Italian bank. We worked for a great guy, who would tell us stories about his family and not burden us with too much work. We got tons of attention being the only females under 40 and got to take naps after lunch. The awesome espresso/capuchino machine didn't hurt either. It was the best summer ever.


                        • #13
                          grooming/exercising for the rich peeps at the barn i boarded at.
                          strawberry and pumpkin farm from age 16-22.
                          ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                          • #14
                            Youth minister for the Catholic church I grew up going to (and still go to). You haven't lived until you've escorted 30 high school kids from north of Dallas down to San the middle of summer...on a big purple bus...with no air conditioning. Ahh...those were the days!
                            Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                            • #15
                              Probably being a camp counselor. It was a tough job, 24-hours a day work, but I liked it. I was definitely in the best shape then, although that could have to do with the fact that I was still a college kid.
                              Wife to a urologist; Mom to 2 wonderful kiddos

