So how does this work? We will most likely match out of state and for sure out of the city we're in. How flexible are people with job offers, interviews and things like that when you aren't able to get to that city for a couple months? Just wondering the best way to go about job searching... I hate job searching!
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Applying for jobs out of state?
Re: Applying for jobs out of state?
When we moved from DC to TX, I sent several resumes and ended up interviewing (for the job I eventually took) over the phone. they were in a HUGE crisis so I actually went down a month before we moved (my then fiance had found and rented an apartment prior to the move so he moved his few items (a blow up mattress, a coffee maker and a lawn chair) and then I came down and he went home to do his last month of stuff at home. I flew home, he graduated, we got married, we moved 1500 miles and I was back at work that Monday.
When we moved from TX to DC, I had a job that was totally transferable so it didn't matter where I lived, as long as there was an airport nearby.
When we moved from DC to TX, again, I was a SAHM so I did a lot of resume sending and online applications prior to moving.
Good luck- most places in areas with medical schools (or the military) are used to people dealing with moves.
Re: Applying for jobs out of state?
When we moved to MN from CA I started applying as soon as I found out where we were going but I was very upfront about the fact that we would be moving there on X date as to not waste either of our time. I received all of my interview offers the week before that date so don't get stressed if you don't hear anything for a while but if there is a job you really want feel free to follow up with them by phone or e-mail.
Good luck!Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.
Re: Applying for jobs out of state?
Originally posted by oceanchildI think the key is to tell them that you are in fact moving there. Employers are wary of going through the trouble of interviewing someone, etc, only to have them decide they don't want to move there. So in your cover letter, tell them you'll be moving there on X date.Did those of you who successfully found jobs before you relocated actually explain that your SO was completing a residency in the city? People I work with keep telling me to do this, but I don't know if it's "professional" to give that much information about your personal life. I've only applied for 2 jobs so far and both of them happend to be at the hospital he got his residency and transition year at so I did mention it in the letter (i'm in health care management)...
Re: Applying for jobs out of state?
People in San Antonio assume that you're moving here with the military so it doesn't faze them in the least. and it helps on the tail end because they figure you're going to leave in three years, too.