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Annual Review

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  • Annual Review

    So I thought I'd share that I had my annual review this past week. It went well. I really do like and trust my boss. I've been feeling pretty unmotivated at work...I think it's the two-year itch. Been here for awhile and am getting a little bored since I've "mastered" everything. The challenge for me now is to take more initiative. Another note is that my boss is working with a different department here to possibly "create" a new position for me that will allow me to grow more and take on more responsibility. So we'll see! Could take awhile for that to happen though. I also got a raise and although not exactly a lot, I'm happy to get one at all!

    Just wanted to share. How's everyone doing with their jobs? As my boss says, a temperature check. Does everyone find that they're doing what the really want to? I can't say that I know what I see myself doing career-wise in the long-term...but my job now is okay although not exactly exciting. I'm still sort of searching for what I really want to be doing!


  • #2
    A very interesting and timely topic, I must say!

    I love what I do- it's the perfect job for someone who likes to multi-task (or as my husband calls it: ADHD). I love working with people with developmental disabilities, and I really love my administrative duties. I think I'm a pretty good manager (at least all indications have been that I'm OK). Do I want to do this forever? I'm not sure.

    Now, I'm thinking about getting in to advocacy or lobbying. I believe so strongly in providing services to people with disabilities in places other than large insititutions. Now, with my friend George W. and his pals in control for the next two years, we in the social services arena are going to have to scramble for every dime. (Although, it costs significantly more to serve people in large institutions than it does to serive them in group homes or in their own homes!)

    Needless to say, it's an issue I'm passionate about!



    • #3
      Sharon--congrats on your raise & good review. It looks like smarts and ambition run in the family.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4

        Congrats on the great appraisal and raise. These kinds of things are always a nice thing

        About your question, I'm so-so with my job right now. Like you, I'm at that point where I think it's time to broaden the horizons. I'm hoping that once I finish my MBA - hopefully in Aug. 2003- the job market will pick up. The industry I work in - Financial Services, spec. Investments - has been really hard hit by this recession; so there's no telling.
        I'm also looking to sit for the CFA Level 1 Exam in Dec. 2003. (The CFA is a 3 part examination - administered once a year- that measures a the candidate's ability to apply the fundamental knowledge of investment principles at a professional level. One usually works toward this certification if one wants to be a money manager or equity/fixed income analyst. My long-term goal? I'd like to manage institutional money for foundations or endowments or other not-for-profit organizations.

        Whew! That was long. I think I just went on an interview



        • #5

          Congratulations on your great review!

          As for my temperature check....I'm currently volunteering to teach a lab course at the local U and I've learned a lot. I haven't had an opportunity to be evaluated (I'm sure the students will have a field day with that one at the end of the semester!). For now, I'm just enjoying the experience.

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #6

            Very timely topic for me. I work in the editing side of journalism. I had my review, which I thought went fine, but then I didn't get a bonus. I'm pretty bummed about it, especially since I got one last year and had the impression my boss was still very happy with my work. For the last few weeks I've been really unmotivated and not getting a bonus has ruined any positive feelings I tried to drum up. My boss didn't give me a clear reason for why I didn't get one.

            Sorry to get depressing, but I feel like I'm sinking at my current position. I've been here almost two years and am feeling unchallenged...since I don't want to be a hard news reporter I don't know if my track at my current position will enable me to move up in the editing field. I am thinking about looking for another job or going back to school. I want to stick it out here but I feel very undervalued. Does anyone have any tips for getting rejuvinated about work? 10 days off didn't help all the much...maybe it's because of the holidays??

            Thanks for listening and sorry for going on and on.


            • #7
              jillflower, maybe you didn't get a bonus just because the economy sucks. The cash was definitely flowing a lot more easily around my company back when the economy was good. Now you've got to negotiate for every dime around here.

              This is a somewhat timely topic for me, as well, as I'm having multiple career issues at the moment. My review isn't until February, but my job is fine. My working conditions are fine, my co-workers are fine, my pay is fine, everything is fine, and I am simultaneously grateful for that and bored out of my mind. I, too, am feeling unchallenged and unmotivated, and if you come up with a cure, please share it. I've spoken to my boss about it, and he's very kind and sympathetic, but nothing much has changed and I fear being stuck at the same mid-level job forever. I'll miss this place but it's time to move on.

              I currently work for a small book publisher whose name you probably wouldn't recognize, and Thursday I have an interview with a large book publisher who's name you probably would recognize. Everyone keep your fingers crossed for me. Because my current job is pretty good, I not only have to convince them they want me (something I've never been particularly good at) but I have to convince them to pay me more than they've advertised the position for. I really dislike job hunting.
              Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
              Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

              “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
              Lev Grossman, The Magician King


              • #8
                Good luck with your job interview, Julie.



                • #9
                  This is kind of timely for me, too. My business finally feels like its going somewhere after almost a year of no income!!! I started a medical billing business just after the New Year and haven't had any clients up until now. My only client is just temporary and could end at any minute, so I'm just holding my breath that it continues. A year of no income has taken its toll on our finances, and it felt pretty darn good to cash my first check last weekend. 8)
                  Awake is the new sleep!


                  • #10
                    Julie: GOOD LUCK on your interview! Let us all know how it goes.
                    Sue: CONGRATS! That's awesome about your client.

                    I'm putting a lot of faith into my boss and company to find challenges for me and for me to live up to my potential. I'm still waiting though and in the meantime am getting work done and also so looking forward to vacation (during Christmas). Maybe the break will help me recharge and come back ready to work. (I can dream.)

                    Jill: Julie makes a good point that it may be because of the economy. I know exactly how you feel. That was me a couple months ago. What helped me was to go to my boss since I trust her and talk to her about exactly how I felt (although I put a more positive spin on it...I'm ready for more challenges, I'd like to contribute more, etc.). My review was a perfect place to do this. So part of it is on her to help me grow, etc., and also I'm also trying harder to take initiative and create projects for myself. I totally understand how you feel...and I think it's good that you're thinking about other options. Sometimes you come to a point when you need to move on.

                    Well, back to work with me! (haha)


                    • #11
                      Thank you all for your comments. I think the economy had something to do with not getting a bonus, but I found out that other people on my team DID get a bonus. That stung, because I found myself wondering why my boss thought they were better workers than me. I think one of the problems is that I don't feel like I have open communication with my boss. He's sort of a strange guy and I don't really feel all that comfortable around him. Sigh. Having a great boss really makes all the difference...I had one at my first job and it helped so much. I am going to try to get through the next few weeks, recharge over Christmas and figure out what I want from my career. Thanks for being here to listen.


                      • #12
                        An update to my initial post. I have an interview tomorrow with a different dept. at my company. They came up with a position that sounds awesome (and I think what I'm looking for). I have to go through the formal process of interviewing and all that and am actually really nervous. I don't know if they'll hire me for it and if not, then what do I do?

                        On one hand I think they wouldn't have created the position (w/ me in mind) if they didn't intend to hire me, but then nothing's a guarantee. It's a different dept, etc. I hate interviews so I'm not looking forward to this. My boss said that she absolutely believes I'm fully qualified for the position, but that it's not a given that it's mine. (ugh). We'll see!

                        Wish me luck!


                        • #13
                          BEST OF LUCK!!!

                          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                          • #14
                            Good Luck!
                            Awake is the new sleep!


                            • #15
                              Good luck, Sharon!

                              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                              "I don't know when Dad will be home."

