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new career

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  • new career

    Hi everyone!
    I need help! I can't figure out what I want to be when I grow up!?! Right now I am a stay at home mom, but figure I will be going back to work in about 4-5 years. I HATED the jobs I had outside of the home before, and feel like I will be starting over trying to get a decent job. However, I do feel like I will have more of a choice this time, since money will not be dictating my decision. MY POINT--I want to spend the next few years working toward something?? I have a BA in English, and I am considering starting to work toward a Master's Degree--but in what I don't know! I have thought of Accounting--becoming a CPA--(I loved Accounting in college) or computers--maybe graphic design (I am an artsy crafty type) ALSO-I am wondering about distance learning--getting my degree online--does anyone have any advice? I have tried to find some sort of career counseling in my area, but no luck!! Any suggestions or advice from anyone would be great!

  • #2

    Since you have some time to figure out what it is that you want to do- are you close to any community colleges or other schools? If you like accounting, try some courses and see if its still up your alley. Since you've had it before, try taking something that you didn't try- like tax accounting or some other subject.

    My friend who is a SAHM in Mass. has a degree in Sociology (we met at work 10 years ago) and decided when she left to have kids that she would never go back. So, she started exploring different things- taking courses and trying out different opportunities. Now she's decided to do PT and is taking all of the preliminary classes at the local CC.

    I wish I had 5 years to figure out what I want to do! I just go from job to job and luckily it usually works out!



    • #3
      I agree with Jenn, go to a cummunity college. They also offer career counseling. When my daughters were small I decided to change careers too. I had worked for an Investment co, and really did not like it. I went to Nursing school, and started one class at a time. I eventually finished my BSN. Good luck, it is nice to have time to look around and find what you want.
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        I think career counseling is a great idea. I did that a few years back when I was in a career crisis and it really gave me some direction. I ended up getting pregnant right afterwards, so I haven't put any of my plans into place, but I do have some general ideas about what I'll do somewhere down the road.
        Awake is the new sleep!


        • #5

          Thanks for your support and ideas. I hope I don't sound like a little brat! I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to take the time to find something I like to do for work. I spent many years in careers I didn't like, making mistake after mistake taking jobs I knew were not for me, and becoming a SAHM was like heaven to me. I think partly because I was glad to get rid of a problem without having to actually face it and deal with it. I am really good at that!! But I realize I can't do this forever--after we have our second child (trying to get pregnant now) I want to start taking classes.....I found out the local college (univ. of new hampshire) has career counseling for students interested in graduate now all I need to do is get up the courage to do it! My self esteem is at an all time low these days--in my case, another side effect of being at home with kids! Those GMAT tests look really hard--I think it may take me five years to do well on them!


          • #6
            Take baby steps. Go to the book store and buy a GMAT prep book and concentrate on that for now!!!
            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


            • #7
              career change


              I have gone through some of the exact same feelings that you are mentioning...this is magnified for me right now by the fact that my youngest is almost 4...and so getting back into the working world seems to be right in front of me. I actually went and got my MS during my husband's fellowship, but it is in a field (Molecular Biology) where having a PhD is really what is needed . We don't live near any biotech companies and it has now been a couple of years since I was in the I've lost all of my skills. I have looked into teaching jobs and am currently volunteering to teach two lab sections for a cell biology course...but volunteering is as far as I'll get in this I'm trying to decide what direction to take my life in.

              For me...this means sitting down and thinking about what I feel passionate about...what I really care about. I'm trying right now to take stock of the things in my life that I do and that I enjoy...and to really let go of the expectations that other people have of me. Going to a career counselor can be one step....You might also want to explore a little on your own.
              • What things do you enjoy reading about?
                What can you 'see' yourself doing? (make a list)
                What are your passions and interests?
                If you didn't care what anyone else thought/wanted for you, what would you want to study/become?

              Is there a way that you can explore a few options right now? As to the distance learning approach...I'm all for this, especially for moms. During my MS, I had two courses approved by the dean of my dept. that I took from Iowa State University...and they were great classes! Taking distance ed courses requires a bit more discipline because you aren't going to class every day. What I really enjoyed though was having the freedom to listen to lectures/download notes after the kids were in bed....FLEXIBILITY! I thought that the quality of the courses was quite good. I'd be happy to help you search through the schools and find a program.

              For teaching the classes this semester, I have the opportunity to take a class for free. I had signed up for a biology class...and at the very last minute I changed my registration over to physiological psychology. My ugrad major was in psychology....I just really hadn't considered a career in this field...but I'm going to take the class and see how I feel about it. Who knows where it will take me....

              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


              • #8

                I took the GMAT prior to enrolling in B-school. You're right- it is challenging, but very do-able. I took a prep course, as well as bought alot of the books (i.e. Princeton Review - was very helpful to me). So if you have any questions about taking the GMAT, feel free to ask me. Oh, also, prior to studying for the exam, you might want to find out what the score ranges are for your target B-schools. I'm not sure what U. of NH's range is, but it should be available on their website.

                As for the CPA route that you cited, I've also done that. I worked for a Big 5 accounting firm (not Arthur Andersen, thankfully!) a few years back, so feel free to ask me about that, too.

                Good luck!



                • #9
                  That sounds like a very interestiong course, keep us posted.
                  wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                  "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                  • #10
                    Don't forget- you may have other options for testing like the GRE or the MAT. I took the MAT and it was great. (or as great as standardized testing that impacts the rest of your life can be) but I've heard that a lot of shcools are discontuing using the MAT. (of course, because since the SAT, GMAT, MCAT, LSAT and GRE have all been proven to tell you NOTHING about how the person will do in school and EVERYTHING about how well they do on standardized tests based on white people in the 1950's - there you go) Sorry- have a little rant there. I feel the same way about IQ tests, by the way.



                    • #11
                      Going back to school

                      I received a BA in English in 91 and basically got the degree b/c I loved reading and writing, but wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the degree. When I was done, I ended up playing in bands and working various jobs and most weren't directly related to English. In 97 I moved and got a job where one of my responsibilities I was the backup person for layout for a weekly publication. I realized I could be on a computer all day and loved design. I took a career counseling class(found in the phone book). They offered all kinds of tests- The Myers-Briggs, aptitude and interest tests etc. and found out that Graphic Design was the field for me. I went back to school and got a 2 yr degree from a community college after we moved for my husband to go to med school. Now I have graduated and after 2 shortlived pretty lame jobs, I finally found a job in the field that I love with nice people and benefits! Having an English degree has helped too b/c a lot of designers don't have that background. The community college route was great for me b/c it was cheaper and I was done in 2 years. Hope that helped and good luck in whichever field you choose!

