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  • Update

    Hi all-

    Just wanted to say that yes, I have found and accepted a new position!! That's the number one worrier crossed off the list. It's with an agency called and I'll be working on a contract they have with the Feds.

    It involves a lot of travel but since we don't have kids, and we're moving home where all of my extraneous relatives can pitch in with the animals- I think we'll be ok. It will be a challenge but I'm very excited. I had reached a place in my career where my decision was take my executive/administrative skills and apply them to a new place, or take my skills in the developmental disabilities field and use them on a national level. I picked B. I did interview at the place that I had sent the cookies and they were interested.

    After some serious soul searching, I decided that I really enjoy the field of developmental disabilities (or intellectual disabilities as it's now known!) and wanted to stay in it. My administrative duties, while fun and interesting, were also a lot of pressure. It will be so nice to not have to carry a pager and worry about everything from did so-and-so make it the doctor's appointment to did my staff person show up to did corporate print our paychecks yet.

    So- there we go! I may be showing up at a facility or agency near you- where ever you may be!


  • #2
    I'm happy for you. Things seem to be falling into place.
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #3
      That is wonderful news!!!
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        Congratulations, Jenn! Where are their offices? Will you be commuting downtown? That's so great you were able to land something so far in advance -- one less thing to worry about!


        • #5

          Actually, the best part about this job is that I'm really based out of my home. I'll commute to where ever they need me, which means I can stay here until we have to move. Their offices are near Baltimore but so far we've just expressed mailed stuff to each other!

          I am provided with a laptop and a travel agent so...I'm guessing, other than learning the job and the actual travel, it should be relatively painless.



          • #6


            This is the ultimate in late posting.....I meant to respond to this earlier Congratulations...this sounds like an awesome opportunity for you!!! And...I can't wait to see you next week

            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


            • #7
              Nope, Kris, I'm going to one-up you with my tardy response.

              I'm tickeled pink for you. It warms my heart to know that you are going into advocacy for something that you believe so much in. This is true heroism. YOu go girl.

              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #8
                HA! I am later than BOTH of you!

                Congratulations, Jenn -- I am glad for you and I am proud to know you.

                and I am jealous that you are going to meet Kris and Kelly.

                Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                "I don't know when Dad will be home."

