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career news

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  • career news

    Two interesting new developments-

    Recently I went to my boss requesting a reduced work week. I intended to be the consumate professional and systematically list how this arrangement would be mutually beneficial but my nervousness got in the way and I came off a little more "Bridget Jones" than super-confident professional woman. While I did talk about how much I've learned in the past two years and how I'm able to complete briefs in a shorter time span, I also talked about my chaotic personal life and how I felt like I need to devote more time to personal endeavors to achieve that ellusive balance. .

    Even with some amount of bumbling on my part, she granted my request starting in June...everybody keep their fingers crossed. I really, really want this to happen. O.K. cross your toes too.

    Next, last Thursday I served on a speaker panel for a continuing legal education class at Thompson publishing (parent company for Westlaw). Along with two distinguished judges, I spoke to 150 attorneys about gender and justice issues. I certainly felt humbled to be included as a speaker on this topic, especially with such a distinguished panel. All of my incompetence and insecurities aside , the talk went really well and I received positive feedback for my contribution. As you all know, gender and justice is a topic is near and dear to my heart.

    Long story short, out of the obscurity of my everyday work life my career has presented some interesting new developments. It is weird how things just sort of happen to us sometimes.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2

    That's just awesome about the conference. I'm sure it must feel great! As for the reduced workweek- I'm also equally sure that you probably seemed much more self-assured that you felt.




    • #3
      Congratulations on both!!!!
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        Congratulations Kelly! There is no other feeling like being complemented by work peers.....except to be approved for a "lighter" work load!
        Congrats again!


        • #5
          Sounds like you're at the top of your game! We're so proud of you, Kelly!

          Thu Van


          • #6

            Congratulations! I too hope that I will be able to work a reduced schedule some day. I am thoroughly impressed with your CLE speech. I'd say you are on your way to the Supreme Court!


