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  • Finally!

    I start the new job tomorrow. I'm so excited and I'm really ready to use my brain again. My house has never quite been so clean, all of the clothes are folded and put away, the bank account balances... I was really running out of things to do. (Although, the not working and still getting paid thing definitely did not suck, that's for sure!)

    So, I'll keep you guys posted.


  • #2
    Best of luck Jenn, have a great day at work!


    • #3
      good luck today!

      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


      • #4
        Good luck on your first day. Michelle ,congratulations. I'll be thinking about you on Friday.
        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


        • #5
          Thanks Luanne!
          Mom of 3, Veterinarian


          • #6
            I hope you're day is going (went?) well! Let us know how it goes!
            Congrats to you, too, Michelle! Is there a special ceremony when you get coated?
            Awake is the new sleep!


            • #7
              Hope it goes well, Jenn. Michelle, enjoy Friday.

              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

              "I don't know when Dad will be home."


              • #8
                I don't know if all vet schools do this or not, but at UF, the first two years are book intensive. First year is normal stuff..anat and physiology mostly...a little bit of animal handling. Second year is all abnormal physiology and learning to spay/neuter shelter dogs. After second year, we become the slaves of the vet hospital / clinc...I mean we get to diagnose and treat the patients of the teaching hospital. Since it's such a big deal that we now get to see patients and are almost real doctors, they give us a ceremony and hand out our coats as a "half-way graduation." We're not totally done with book stuff at this point, but mostly. We man the clinics until Jan 2004, then we take more classes Spring and Fall semesters 2004 (electives mostly though) and boards in Dec 2004...then finish off in the clinics preparing for the real world in Jan 2005 until May. From what I hear from the upperclassmen, it's all downhill from here! Thank goodness!! I so could not take another year of cramming for tests! Speaking of which....I should be going.

                Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                • #9
                  PS...Sorry Jenn for hijacking your thread! :P

                  Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                  • #10

                    Hey Jenn...Congrats on starting the new job...I can't wait to hear how you like it!!!!!!!!!!!

                    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                    • #11
                      Congratulations, Jenn. Enjoy!


                      • #12
                        Hello all-

                        I'm back from my first survey and I have to say that I think I did OK. Of course (this for Michele!) I came home to find that Antonio had piddled in my gym bag and now my bedroom reeks of cat pee. (and yes, I'm selling my house!)




                        • #13
                          I've heard that the enzyme things work pretty well to get rid of the scent. For our dog we use a mixture of vinegar, water and a little Ivory soap to clean and might not work for tomcat pee though. At the vet clinic I used to work, we used Odo-Ban (you can get a huge jug at Sams) and just a capful of this stuff would make the entire hospital smell great! I would put it in a squirt bottle (with some water) and spray it in the corners.

                          My mom read that vanilla helps to sell houses, so maybe you could buy one of those plug in the wall things and put it in your bedroom.

                          Antonio probably senses the stresses in your house about moving and starting a new job. Animals are so sensitive sometimes! Maybe you could put another litter box out in another room, if he keeps doing this.

                          Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                          • #14
                            Actually I was thinking of a cork or a clothespin if he keeps it up! I found out where he'd gone- in the gymbag itself- he has this thing for peeing on plastic- another male cat I had did as well. I threw away the whole thing and now everything is better. The best stuff I have found is Nature's Miracle which I buy at Petco. Rascal, my big kitty that we put to sleep back in December was extremelyparticular about his potty. He wouldn't use regular litter to tinkle- only for #2! He like to use newspapers- so we had two pans, one with litter and one with newspaper. It started when my ex-boyfriend (who gave me the cats when he joined the Peace Corps- I had told him all along I was only dating him for his cats so he used that to his advantage a few years later!) and his ex-wife were getting divorced. I guess Rascal could sense the tension and started going in the corners of the house. Joy finally got him to go on newpaper and then transferred the newspapers to a little pan and he made the transfer, too. He ruined an entire carpet in the basement of his townhouse though- he even had to replace the subflooring in spots!

                            and, in more good news, the realtor just called and said there's an offer coming in today. A low ball offer but we'll see where we can take it.


                            • #15
                              Excellent news, Jenn. I hope you guys are able to make a deal on your house so that you can enjoy the rest of your time in San Antonio, stress-free -- sounds like your cat could stand to soak up some "relaxed" vibes. Ours went completely nuts when we moved from San Antonio, to the point that they became outdoor-only kitties for a while. The upset of moving, plus a new house with new smells, plus having some carpet ripped up and pergo put in right after we got here, plus the new baby, plus new furniture, really screwed them up. I thought they had had it when each of them in the space of a day and a half christened our brand new sectional (expensive) sofa with pee and poop! I swear I saw veins bulging in my husband's forehead. They had the run of the outdoors and one room (that attaches to the garage -- thank goodness for cat doors) in our house for about six months, and then we started letting them back in a little at a time, the least neurotic cat first. Now they are in most of the time but are shut out at night. I wish you a better experience than we had with our furry friends!

                              How is your new job, by the way?

                              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                              "I don't know when Dad will be home."

