I'm in a pickle.
One of my close friends landed an amazing gig 2 years ago that pays her twice as much as I currently make. She is leaving this position and recommended me for it and I have an interview on Tuesday.
The problem is.... I know that I am moving out of state at the end of next June. She says that we have to tell her ex-employers, and if I don't, then she will. She doesn't want to burn any bridges because she may need them for future contacts and connections. I, of course, was a little offended at her blunt approach and felt almost threatened, that she would jeapordize my chances at this huge career move for her possible future connections, but I understand where she is coming from. If I did get this job, I would work my butt off, do the best that I could, and of course, give them fair warning that I would be leaving so they could find my replacement. In terms of training, this is an admin position, so I don't think there's too much training involved, really- so I don't think the company would be losing money in training my replacement.
I don't know what to do. I desperately want this job because it will be life changing. I can pay off all my debts. I won't be living paycheck to paycheck. I can help my family. I can pay for a wedding. I can invest some. And, it will be a boost to my resume and career.
Will an employer even consider me if I say I have a big move in 10 months? Would it be absolutely crazy (and would my fiance kill me) if I suggest commuting for 2 months so that I can commit a full year? And at what point should you tell future employers of big life changes? Less than a year out? Am I obligated to tell them? Would it be unethical not to?
I don't know what to do! I really want this job, but I'm worried that if I tell them of my big move, I will no longer be a candidate and I'll be stuck at my measly job just barely making it.
One of my close friends landed an amazing gig 2 years ago that pays her twice as much as I currently make. She is leaving this position and recommended me for it and I have an interview on Tuesday.
The problem is.... I know that I am moving out of state at the end of next June. She says that we have to tell her ex-employers, and if I don't, then she will. She doesn't want to burn any bridges because she may need them for future contacts and connections. I, of course, was a little offended at her blunt approach and felt almost threatened, that she would jeapordize my chances at this huge career move for her possible future connections, but I understand where she is coming from. If I did get this job, I would work my butt off, do the best that I could, and of course, give them fair warning that I would be leaving so they could find my replacement. In terms of training, this is an admin position, so I don't think there's too much training involved, really- so I don't think the company would be losing money in training my replacement.
I don't know what to do. I desperately want this job because it will be life changing. I can pay off all my debts. I won't be living paycheck to paycheck. I can help my family. I can pay for a wedding. I can invest some. And, it will be a boost to my resume and career.
Will an employer even consider me if I say I have a big move in 10 months? Would it be absolutely crazy (and would my fiance kill me) if I suggest commuting for 2 months so that I can commit a full year? And at what point should you tell future employers of big life changes? Less than a year out? Am I obligated to tell them? Would it be unethical not to?
I don't know what to do! I really want this job, but I'm worried that if I tell them of my big move, I will no longer be a candidate and I'll be stuck at my measly job just barely making it.
