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  • Finally

    For the past few months I have been "trying out" a part-time schedule with my job. It has taken no less than blood, sweat, tears, and a whole lot of cajoling to make this work and make it permanent, but my boss *finally* approved it on Friday. I feel slightly superstitious about announcing this development because the final paper work hasn't been processed approved by the State yet. Nonetheless, I am SOOOO excited to make this schedule permanent. My life has much more balance; part-time seems to be the best fit for me. Realistically, the paycut is going to hurt, but I don't even care. I am not going to get this time of my life back.

    I have read so much on the topic of working/staying at home/part-time that I just had to make a final decision about what I really wanted and how to make it work. The critics of part-time schedules will tell you that part-timers become marginalized and do more than their respective share of work at home. With DH's schedule I was doing the lion's share of domestic duties anyway, so this wasn't a huge factor in our lives. As far as marginalization goes, I'll just join the ranks of most working moms of small children. I have plenty of working decades to turn that around.

    Nonetheless, neither working full time nor staying at home really suited me either. Getting approved for a part-time schedule in a full-time world wasn't as easy as the experts say it is. But as they say, you don't get anything unless you ask for it, so I had to zealously advocate for this. It was the first time in my professional life that I really pushed for something, so it felt pretty uncomfortable. But it was worth it.

    Everybody keep your fingers crossed that all of this goes through and my new schedule becomes permanent.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    I am glad for you, Kelly, and GOOD FOR YOU for going for this. The next person who wants to do this at your workplace will (hopefully) have an easier time of it because you were willing to be a pioneer. And thanks for admitting it was uncomfortable for you to do.....I think a lot of times I rationalize my own unwillingness to tackle something by telling myself that my feelings are a signal that I should back off.

    I hope it continues to work out well for you.

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #3
      I'm happy for you as well Kelly! My fingers are crossed for you. I'm impressed you went for it and (so far) succeeded.

      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


      • #4
        Hmmm...I posted a reply to this thread earlier but I guess it didn't "take"...

        Kelly, I just wanted to say that I'm very happy for you that you've managed to make your situation a (hopefully) permanent reality! It is a position that I'm hoping to find myself in in a few years. I hope that you get the final "OK" and that things go smoothly for you. So, I'm wondering, just how "part-time" will you be? 1/2-time? 3/4-time? Do you work a reduced number of hours every day, or do you work a reduced number of days per week?

        -Wife of urology attending.
        -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


        • #5
          That's great Kelly! I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything continues to happen as it should and the final paperwork is processed soon! I think if I could do it over again, I would have pursued part-time work outside of the home since I think that would be the right balance for me, but I'm knee-deep in a home business and there seems to be no way out! Good for you for trailblazing the way for other moms and dads out there!!!
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            Congratulations!!!!!! Woeking part time was best for me when the girls were growing up.
            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


            • #7
              Re: Finally

              Originally posted by kmbsjbcgb
              Getting approved for a part-time schedule in a full-time world wasn't as easy as the experts say it is.
              Yeah, I'm not sure where those "experts" work. I encountered a great deal of resistance when even approaching the idea of working part time on a temporary basis at my last full-time employer. I love working part time now and don't know when I would ever want to go back to full-time.

              I think that is just great that you were able to make this work, Kelly. Sounds like a great accomplishment for you and your family! Enjoy!!


              • #8
                It's wonderful that you managed to scare up a p/t position. They're not so hard to get in industry, but in govt-connected jobs, it's like pulling teeth.
                15 years ago (yikes!) I worked for a high-powered R&D company, and I went to part time to work on my PhD. Career-wise, it was death for me. They gave me every project that sucked, I was written out of most awards and opportunities, etc. I'm sure it's partly my fault, for not looking out for this type of thing and being more proactive to advance myself.
                So be warned, look out for yourself.
                Enabler of DW and 5 kids
                Let's go Mets!


                • #9
                  Thanks for your support. Seriously, I felt so anxious going out on a limb like this. Now I will work T,W,R, and part day on Friday. I know that I will be marginalized, but quite frankly, because of my personal situation with DH' surgery training that I will have to follow about the country, marginalization for the next decade was bound to happen to me. Someone has to take days for pediatrician appointments and the like. I can't have a highpowered job where I absolutely HAVE to be in court or travel when DH absolutely has to be scrubbed in on a case. Fortunately for DH, I never was in love with my career to begin with, so it isn't that big of a deal.

                  Fluffhead, you are correct,already I have been unable to sign up for committees, so the marginalization has begun. I think that each option, Full time, Part Time, and SAH has both advantages and disadvantages. We just have to pick what works the best. (Hopefully we're in a place where we have options.) Seriously God bless the single mom working at Walmart who has no options.

                  Thanks again,

                  In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                  • #10
                    Congrats Kelly!

                    I can say I am very jealous. I can appreciate how hard it is in your career to be full time, stay at home or part time. I know right now I don't do anything (mommy duties or work duties) very efficiently. Hopefully, when my hubby is done with residency and making more than 1 cent and hour at best, I can explore the part time or stay at home options. Keep me updated on how it all goes. Someday I may be approaching my firm to get them open to the part time idea.


                    • #11

                      I think this would make a great article at some point for the newsletter as really is such a big topic for all women...but when you have a spouse doing a residency/fellowship with huge time demands it becomes even more pressing.....

                      btw....Congrats..I know that this was a long time in the making!!!

                      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                      • #12
                        Congratulations, Kelly, on making your life more balanced. I forget -- is your son in daycare when you are working or do you have a babysitter? I have been thinking about my career and what will happen to it when we have kids. My current position is pretty much at a standstill right now and I am upset about it. I just finished reading "Flux" by Peggy Orenstein -- has anyone read it? I would be interested in hearing from you if so. It made me think A LOT about the choices we have to make when we have kids and how they affect our careers and our happiness. And it also got me thinking that if I am uphappy from my job I should do something about it. I think for the past few years I've let myself fall back on the cushion of my DH's career as a physician and all the security that brings while not letting myself grow professionally.

