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TIPS for your week

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  • TIPS for your week

    Okay, I'm getting a bit nervous about keeping it all together when I go back to work.

    So I am looking for your best
    • TIPS

    and perhaps funny stories (one time I changed Minnie in a hurry and her diaper stuck to my sweater and I had a lady kindly tell me about it!)

    about getting through each week.... I am specifically eager to hear your answers because I know you all understand carrying the bulk of the household and childcare duties/responsibilities.

    To start I am hoping to:
    • plan the week's meals ahead of time
    • make some meals ahead of time
    • make a list of easy recipes
    • buy bulk items like chips and fruit for lunches
    • using the astrid app to make grocery lists (so DH can add to it)
    • pick out my clothes and minnie's clothes the night before
    • pack up minnie's diapers, milk, and clothes for the week ahead of time
    • designate certain days of the week for certain tasks/jobs/chores
    • keep a spreadsheet of all my bills so I know when they are due and paid each month

    Loving wife of neurosurgeon

  • #2
    This was the site I was telling you about :

    They also include meals for food allergies/sensitivities.
    Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
    Professional Relocation Specialist &
    "The Official IMSN Enabler"


    • #3
      Pinterest is a great resource for quick/easy/healthy recipes. Particularly, crock-pot recipes that you can dump into the pot in the morning and have dinner ready (or almost ready) by the time you get home.

      I think you have a really great game plan already. Just remember to be flexible because shit can go sideways in a hurry. Don't worry about it, just go with the flow and deal when it inevitably happens.


      • #4
        If you can swing it, I'd say outsource house cleaning.

        Also, get Peapod (that's what it's called there, right?) to deliver on occasion. We did this when dd was first born from Safeway, and it cost us nothing for the delivery if we spent over a certain amount. It was so helpful when it came to things like bottled water, milk, and other staples. It takes the burden off of having to do a ton of grocery shopping the moment you get home from work.
        married to an anesthesia attending


        • #5
          I have a weekend routine that DH joins if he is home. This includes my long run, Gymboree, church, grocery shopping, etc.

          It helps me to carve out a little time for myself (the long run) and to know what to expect.

          More later.
          Last edited by TulipsAndSunscreen; 09-23-2012, 01:05 PM.
          Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
          Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


          • #6
            I would recommend against Astrid for shopping lists. It's great for tasks but is too clunky for shopping. We use GroceryIQ (free for Android) for groceries and really like it. I've also heard Remember The Milk is good.
            Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


            • #7
              Other things:

              -Dress Minnie in her next day's outfit the night before (as reasonable). If we have to get out the door in the AM, I dress DD the night before and then in the AM, I only have to change her diaper and we're ready to go. Obviously this won't work completely when it gets cold but there's no reason she can't sleep in her base layers.
              -Lunches for DH get made for the week - I make 5 PB&Js and they go in the freezer, he grabs one each AM. I cut 5 days of veggies into individual plastic bags
              -For Minnie's daycare/nanny stuff, make yourself a checklist (you'll forget something otherwise) and post it somewhere. Diapers, wipes, spare outfits, etc. I clean out the diaper bag each week because sometimes she's outgrown the outfit, etc.
              -Get your daycare/nanny on board with telling you if they notice something (i.e. her outfits are getting tight, you need more diapers, etc.). In fact, if you go the nanny outside your home route (vs. coming to your home), ask if you can buy diapers/wipes to just leave at her place in a small caddy. Have her tell you when it's empty. There's no reason you should have to restuff a diaper bag every day. Do the same with Minnie's outfits, pack one/week and only replace it if it's soiled. Also, leave a stack of burp clothes, etc. at her place. Again, the caregiver can help you monitor supplies. Maybe some people will disagree with leaving personal items at someone else's house but I feel like it would simplify your life (and what the hell are you paying a nanny for if you can't even keep spare diapers there!).
              -Develop a plan for handling your milk/pump supplies every night. Are you going to freeze and rotate supply or send her with fresh each day from the previous days pumping? It doesn't matter which you do but you'll need a different plan/supplies depending on what you choose. Also, let your daycare/nanny know HOW to use your milk - I was surprised I needed to detail this but I needed to tell my nanny how to handle it if she didn't take a full bottle/there was extra milk (her previous employer told her to NO, keep and use at the next feeding!!!).

              That's all I can think of now...
              Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
              Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.

