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Roll call

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  • #31
    What a remarkable group we have!
    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #32
      1)What do you do?

      Sahm for the last 5 years, with the occassional weekend working at a plant shop.

      I am scared of having to support the family come August. I have a BA in history and an AAS in horituclture with an emphasis in design. THe first is humbug and the second I have no real experience in, other than one paying gig for a friend.

      2) If you work outside the home, do you go to work to pay the bills or because you feel it is your calling?

      It was for extra cash and to have some grown up time.

      3)What other jobs have you worked?

      greenhouse/plant shop for 1 year before having our older son. LOVED it.
      receptionist for office furniture sales/design place for 6 mos. Eh.
      customer service in student loan dept at a bank for 6 mos.mmm. its wasn't retail.
      retail sales/management for 5 horrible awful self-esteem destroying years.

      4)Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years?

      hopefully doing garden design or working as a horticulturalist at a botanical garden.
      Before the medschool thing came up I was going to sah until the youngest was in school, then open a garden shop and do garden design.

      5)What is your fantasy job?

      Open a garden shop and also do design work.


      • #33
        1)What do you do?

        Accoutant- have come close to passing the CPA exam, but haven't yet. I need to take some time off from work to get this out of the way. It's something I stress about on an almost daily basis.

        2) If you work outside the home, do you go to work to pay the bills or because you feel it is your calling?

        A little of both. I don't know if I would call it a "calling", like Mother Teresa's "calling". It keeps my interest, though. I actually enjoy keeping up with new tax law- yes, I'm weird!

        3)What other jobs have you worked?


        4)Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years?

        I may go to Law School while DH is in residency - although we may need me to work during this time. I would like to get back to auditing or maybe try financial analysis. Okay, obviously I don't know where I see myself!

        5)What is your fantasy job?

        Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader


        • #34
          1)What do you do?
          Information Systems for a Consumer Packaged Goods company :chat:

          2) If you work outside the home, do you go to work to pay the bills or because you feel it is your calling?
          Unfortunately, to pay the bills. I enjoy what I do, but I wish I felt it was my calling.

          3)What other jobs have you worked?
          Golf course greens crew

          4)Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years?
          If I'm still in I.S., I see myself as a Software Engineering Project Manager.

          5)What is your fantasy job?
          Professional Golfer


          • #35
            1. I'm a cardiac surgery ICU nurse.

            2. Calling or pay the bills? A little of both. I definitely felt a real calling to become a nurse, but I do long to be able to work simply "when I feel like it".

            3. Other jobs? movie theater worker, camp counselor, receptionist, nursing home assistant, nurse assistant, waitress

            4.Professionally in 10 years? Mainly, I hope I'm just enjoying my kids. I do, however, think about getting a Master's every now and then.

            5. Fantasy job? Rock star.


            • #36
              1)What do you do?
              I work at a local community college - teaching people how to teach online, creating learning objects (multimedia object to enhance learning), do website design, page layout, graphics, and technical support

              2) If you work outside the home, do you go to work to pay the bills or because you feel it is your calling?
              I truly love what I am doing. However, I work more to pay the bills. I look forward to staying at home with the kids. I have a freelance design business as well as an art business ( I create artwork from histology images)

              3)What other jobs have you worked?
              Prior to this current job (2 years), I did the same thing at a medical school (7 years), owned my own design business, computer consultant in the school computer labs for 5 years, waited tables in Alaska, was a tour guide on a train, bartended, worked at a sub sandwich shop, gigged in rock bands

              4)Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years?
              I would like to have a PhD in instructional design or instructional technology. I would love to continue what I do now or teach. I also want to continue to create art.

              5)What is your fantasy job?
              SAHM / WAHM creating art and or designs and teaching art online or adjunct.


              • #37
                Re: Roll call

                1)What do you do?
                I have been a SAHM for the last 4 1/2 years to my beautiful children ages 6, 4 and 2 1/2...but its back to work in the fall as a science teacher.

                2) If you work outside the home, do you go to work to pay the bills or because you feel it is your calling?
                I will soon be working to pay the bills, as the medical school loans will be kicking in all too soon But teaching for me is also a calling, although I have loved being home with the kids, I do miss the classroom.

                3)What other jobs have you worked?
                Oh my...
                Geauga Lake Amusement Park (salad girl and pizza baker)
                McDonald's (self-explanatory)
                Science Library Aide (Very cool job for a high school student)
                Research Assistant Polymer Chemistry (actually published)
                Junior High Science Teacher (my true calling professionally)

                4)Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years?
                Most definitely teaching or helping hubby at his practice...If we ever get there. Ten years seems a long way away.
                I's also consider getting my PhD. in biochemistry or related field.

                5)What is your fantasy job?
                I have always wanted to have a restaurant where I can be creative, but not have to worry about cleaning up the dishes...but I know that its probably too much work.


                • #38
                  Miranda, do you have a website? I would love to purchase /commission artwork from histology images!!!!!!!! Please let me know!!!!

                  PM me if you want to, thanks.
                  wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                  "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                  • #39
                    1)What do you do?
                    I'm an appellate attorney, wife of an MS4, and "mom" to a mean orange kitty.

                    2) If you work outside the home, do you go to work to pay the bills or because you feel it is your calling?
                    To pay the bills and keep me busy. It is really interesting and fun, but I don't feel like it's my calling, exactly.

                    3)What other jobs have you worked?
                    Piano teacher, waitress, classical Thai music performer, research assistant, teaching assistant, judicial clerk.

                    4)Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years?
                    Doing something lawyerly that is challenging but still gives me time to be a good mom.

                    5)What is your fantasy job?
                    Composing and conducting movie scores (a la John Williams--Indiana Jones, Schindler's List, Harry Potter, etc.). If only I was talented enough...!


                    • #40
                      1)What do you do?
                      I'm a scientific technical writer.

                      2) If you work outside the home, do you go to work to pay the bills or because you feel it is your calling?
                      Definitely to pay the bills. Unfortunately, it is not my calling, though I do enjoy it... most times.

                      3)What other jobs have you worked?
                      Prior to becoming a technical writer, I was a study coordinator (scheduled and organized studies coming through the facility). Before that, I was a research scientist and worked in a biotech lab for 7 years. I think that may have been my calling. But having moved to a city that is hardly considered a biotech hot spot, my career had to make a detour.

                      4)Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years?
                      Ten years? I'll be home with the kids. But currently, I have a small business in which I make and sell cloth diapers (among other things), so I'm hoping to make that a big business by then.

                      5)What is your fantasy job?
                      Sewing... or anything crafty for that matter. I love creative projects and I love the satisfaction of a complete project.


                      • #41
                        1)What do you do?
                        Student, MS4

                        2) If you work outside the home, do you go to work to pay the bills or because you feel it is your calling?
                        My calling! To me it is one of the most rewarding and gratifying jobs in the world.

                        3)What other jobs have you worked?
                        temp office staff work
                        Restaurant hostess
                        Waitress in fine, and not so fine, dining restaurants
                        Customer service rep
                        Tutor for organic chem and biochem

                        4)Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years?
                        In private practice

                        5)What is your fantasy job?
                        Film critic

