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Sub-contracting or bringing in a partner

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  • Sub-contracting or bringing in a partner

    I had a proposition today that I'm kind of excited about. As many of you might recall, I've felt kind of overwhelmed with my business and thought about at least "downsizing" when dh finishes fellowship. At the same time, I've felt kind of torn since my business is kind of like a needy "child" that I've put my heart into over the last 3 years. A friend of mine called me today and wondered if I'd consider training her so to speak and letting her help me out. I know there would be tons of bugs to work out, but it seems like bringing in some help would be the best of both worlds. I would make less money, but I could leave town once in awhile and have somebody else to pick up the slack, and just wouldn't have as much on my plate. Also, I could keep my business intact so that in a few years, when my kids are all in school it would still be here for me.
    Awake is the new sleep!

  • #2
    What a great thing to ponder! It sounds like that could be an arrangement that would work out well for both of you. Just two thoughts -- do you think you would work well together and if things didn't work out, could you remain friends (or would it be ok if you didn't)?

    When your kids are all in school, you could add on clients if you wanted. Or that might be a time that you could sell out your ownership to her.

    Let us know what you decide.


    • #3
      Those are good points Nellie. The more I think about it, the more I really want to do this. I'm all for helping another mom figure out a way to work from home, since it can be really difficult to find a good work at home job. I think if we are really careful to iron out the details beforehand to make sure everything felt "fair" that we could avoid any potential problems. I'm pretty sure she would be really frank with me if there were a problem. We're not terribly close (though I really do like this woman) so if things did go awry, it would really be OK. I talked it over with my dh and he really thinks this could be a win-win for both of us. I'm going to do a lot of research to figure out the best way to set this up and what will be most beneficial to both of us (tax-wise I think it would be better if she was her own company that I sub-contracted to). Also, I need to figure out what to do with regards to software and other issues, but mostly I think this is going to be a great solution for both of us.
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        This is fantastic news, Sue. My job share partner and I keep a running commentary to one another on a shared hard drive. I also tell her that we need to be frank about what is working and what is not working. We decided to put it on a six month time table. On August 1st, we will sit down (with the boss) and see if the situation is working out and whether any changes are needed. Perhaps you could bring this partner in on a six month basis to give her the training (which she could take to another job if things didn't work out) while you see if things work out.

        I love to hear people coming up with these sorts of plans.

        Good luck.

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          Sue, that sounds like a can't lose deal! I hope it all works out well. Keep us posted with updates.


          • #6
            Sue, I saw your ticker and wondered what happened with this. Retiring sounds cool, too!


            • #7
              I was hesitant to post about it at the risk of appearing flaky but I came to the realization that something's got to go! I am so looking forward to slowing down for a few years, I just don't feel like I'm enjoying my kids as much as I could be. I am still going to train the gal and hopefully she can basically "take over" my business.
              Awake is the new sleep!


              • #8
                Nope, not flaky. What a great solution -- she can still be involved and help you make a "graceful exit." Even better!

