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In pursuit of a career change

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  • In pursuit of a career change

    Well,it looks as though I am in pursuit of a career change. I've spent several hours in our local museum talking with the staff, looking at things behind the scenes, and looking at museum literature that the director gave me. I've also talked to the University in Saginaw where we'll be living. It seems as though it is a mostly non-traditional crowd(meaning that everyone isn't 18-22 ys old) pursuing this degree, so I'll fit right in. Since I already have a bachelor's degree I can jump right into the degree specific course. I talked to my advisor for my graduate degree and just explained that it wasn't working well to be in the program at this point and that I felt like I needed to spend a little more time evaluating whether or not the healthcare field is where I wanted to be in 20 years. He was very understanding and very supportive- kind of suprisingingly so, actually.

    Anyway, I started out with the thought of "it probably won't be possible to pursue this becuase of blah,blah blah." Everything seems to be falling into place. Maybe that'a a sign I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, maybe I'm reading too much into things. I just know that as a general rule,I'm not one of those people that have wonderful things fall into their lap.

    All things considered, I'm more excited that nervous about it- although I'm plenty nervous! I printed off the school's admission app this morning. I found official copies of my college transcripts. I'm running out of excuses not to do what I really want to do!


  • #2
    SVSU will be a good place for you to study. What kind of degree are you interested in?



    • #3
      You know SVSU? DId you live in that area?
      I'm looking at a Bachelor of Arts. I'd really like to do Fine Arts, but it requires 82 hours vs the 42 hours required for the Arts degree. Since we only know we'll be there for 2 years, I feel like I need to go with the Arts in order to finish the degree. I figure I can do a post-bach in Fine Arts wherever we go for residency easier than I can get all the credits from SVSU to transfer somewhere else.



      • #4
        OH Wendy...Congratulations!!!!!...I'm so glad that things are falling into place! What is your ultimate career goal? It sounds like now is the time that the wonderful things WILL begin falling into your lap...and I think you deserve it. You've been so supportive of Dave and have gone through so much stress with the whole moving fiasco !

        Keep us posted on what happens...



        • #5
          I do not live near Saginaw, but grew up about an hour away near East Lansing.




          • #6
            mmmmmm hmmmmm....

            amazing how that sort of thing happens, isn't it? I swear, if more people just took a step back and figured out what they really were passionate about, the world would be a much happier and healthier place.

            Good for you! Keep us posted!



            • #7

              I just ran across this where you were then and where you are now!!!!!



              • #8
                Yeah-- no doubt!
                So here's the update for everyone....
                I took 2 art classes in Fall of 2001-- really enjoyed them and thought "Yep, I'd like to do that again." So, I did. I took 2 more art classes (another photo class and a drawing class) in the Winter of 2002. At the end of that semester, I realized that I was completley hooked and that there was no way I could not have this creative outlet in my life. Unfortunatley, there have been no art classes to take this summer, so I've had a taste of how badly it sucks to not have it in my life! But the Fall semester starts in 3 weeks. I will be taking an art history course and a Portrait Photography course. Pretty much I've enjoyed all the classes, but I LOVE photography. I can spend endless hours in that darkroom and only notice how much time has passed when my feet begin to hurt.

                I've kind of looked into art programs at some of the places that Dave is applying for residency. I figure I'll put a little more energy into that when I see where all he interviews. The plan is for me to work part-time and take around 9 hours a semester. I also hope to put together a home darkroom. I have a friend that has done so andhas given me some wonderful advice. I love this stuff!! My ulitmate dream is to either work locally (in a bigger city) as an advertsing/commercial photographer or to open my own portrait studio. We'll see which one becomes the greater love as I get a little further into this.

                So that's where I stand. If you ever think that you might like to try something new-- go for it! If that little try at it doesn't satsify that itch-- keep trying a little more-- you, too may end up looking at a mojor career move- and being so excited about it that you can hardly wait!



                • #9

                  I know who to turn to for inspiration and advice when I become serious about changing my field! Good luck.


                  In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                  • #10
                    I am SO excited for you!!! This is awesome! I definitely, DEFINITELY want to talk about this more with you! I took several classes in photography and LOVED it and am trying to jumpstart some sort of home business in the art field. I have now realized that i should have just gone to art school instead of "get a real job" graduate school. Sssh - don't tell my husband, he'll love that one! Anyway, definitely want to talk about this more!

