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What do you like most about staying at home?

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  • What do you like most about staying at home?

    OK...I thought I'd do a counterbalance to the what do you like most about working post....what do you like most about working at home as a stay at home parent?

    I like being there to see them interact with friends, and accomplish new tasks. The best thing this summer has been their joy about garage sales. I recently started letting them go to ones nearby and they come home with bags full of junk...errr, I mean...treasures...Then they sit out in the front yard and pull out all of the little pieces of barbie clothes/finger watches etc and talk about what they'll do with them.

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    I like the fact that I have replaced 5 women (his previously paid staff at the orphanage) in his world. I love the squeals of excitement when I walk in his room in the morning. I like my wardrobe (shorts, a jogbra and a t-shirt), I like being able to be with him as he learns, as he adapts and does things like learns to hug, to touch, to trust. I like being able to exercise whenever I feel like it. I like being able to walk to the Mall and go to whatever air-conditioned museum strikes my fancy. I like sleeping to 8am. I like being able to go to the grocery store and then cook what I just purchased. I like being able to concentrate on going organic and 90% vegetarian. I like being able to sort through the mail as it arrives.
    I like going to Gymboree classes and watching as his physical and mental capabilities develop every week.

    There's tons more, but he's asleep and my beloved is pouring the wine...



    • #3
      Welllll, after being up all night last night with a newborn and just now finding out that my husband has SHINGLES (yay :! ) this is a good exercise for me (other than chanting "Serenity now....").

      What I like about being a full-time mommy:

      - I get to control my schedule (within the bounds set by a newborn at the moment)
      - I am the boss (well, I had to temporarily turn that title over to Eleanor but I'll get it back in about six months
      - I am there for all the "little" important moments like when the kids want to know the definition of a word or spontaneously start talking amongst themselves about how babies "get out" of their mother
      - I am there to nip the bad habits in the bud (and, I get to define what constitutes a bad habit )
      - I like that I can sit down with my daughters and leisurely teach them how to put on nailpolish in the middle of the day
      - I like the fact that I can leisurely go about my errands during the day (or night if I so choose)

      That's all that I can think of right now going on about four hours of sleep in the last 24.

      Oh wait, that reminds me, there's one more "perk":
      If I get 4 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period it's OK because I don't have to answer to any other adults the next day for my shoddy attention span and total lack of personal hygiene! And, I can catch a nap at an odd hour of the day to make up for it.

      Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
      With fingernails that shine like justice
      And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


      • #4
        I am so jealous. I don't even have children, but you've all reaffirmed the fact that I need to find a way to stay home once we do!
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          What I like about being home......

          I can set my own schedule. Of course, once kids start school, some of that goes out the window, but still, "I am the boss of me" as my little guy might put it.

          I can see "trends" in behavior earlier than if I was away from them all day, and I can deal with the undesirable things that I see.

          I can teach them things that they wouldn't learn if I wasn't with them.

          I get to see them relate to each other, both positively and negatively, but the positive times are so sweet to see!

          I can choose to leave them sometimes with a sitter or in a summer program or preschool or whatever, but it doesn't have to be a way of life and if it isn't working out, it is no big deal if they stop going.

          Most of all, what I like (and am VERY thankful for) is that our livelihood (food, shelter, clothing) does not depend on me being away from my boys 40+ hours a week.


          P.S. I wouldn't take ANY amount of money for the time I spent at home when my boys were babies and toddlers. Those are some of the happiest memories of my life, even though it was during residency and we had very little money.
          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

          "I don't know when Dad will be home."


          • #6
            Autonomy over our schedule! I like that we can go the the zoo, the pool, the library whenever we want, or we can lounge at home if we don't feel like going anywhere.

            I don't have to fight rush hour traffic.

            I don't have the sense of dread on Sunday evening that I used to have when I had a regular 8-5 M-F job.
            Awake is the new sleep!


            • #7
              Welllll, after being up all night last night with a newborn and just now finding out that my husband has SHINGLES (yay ) this is a good exercise for me (other than chanting "Serenity now....").
              Not to interrupt the thread, but did I miss something?? Is he ok? Shingles sucks. My uncle had it a few years back and was totally incapacitated. At what level does he have it? Are you managing ok, new baby and all?

              Now....back to our regularly scheduled programming.

              What I like about staying home:

              1. Autonomy --like everyone else.

              2. Ability to be involved with the school system and local government through volunteer work and committee work. Not only does this keep me "in the know" but it gives me political power to deal with issues that arise.

              3. I can "home-school" after school with additional material/exposure that they aren't getting at school. This includes cultural activities, imaginative and artistic play, reading "big" books together and my own twisted science curriculum. (Mommy brag: My son just tested out in the 99% on the science gifted testing. So -- the Ph.D. *is* helping with the childrearing. )

              4. I can be more patient. We have plenty of time. (And I've got nowhere to be ) Right now, I'm trying to get my 6 year old to pick up after herself. Since we are around all summer, I can just wait out her temper tantrum until she actually picks up her room before we go somewhere. I don't have to give in, scream and yell (much), do it myself or leave it messy.

              5. I know my children very well. This may not last, but they really talk to me now. Some of our best talks happen when I least expect it. I'm around and they know they can come to me.

              6. I can take risks with my own career that I wouldn't take if my income were paying for food and shelter.
              Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
              Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

              "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


              • #8
                1.) I know my children very well.
                2.) Their look when they learn something new or are excited.
                3.) Not missing ANYTHING!!!! Not having to hear what they did by a non - family member.

                4.) Seeing all their smiles.
                5.) Fixing their tears.
                6.) Balancing the day.

                Basically I really do like being home 98% of the time.

                Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                • #9
                  its been a rough summer break.
                  summer break started last tuesday.


                  • #10
                    Until about a month ago I worked out of the home . Actually, I have always worked (even while on "maternity leave" - but that goes to the control freak thread).

                    What I love about staying at home:
                    -The conversation about boys (with 11 y/o Madison)+ the influence I have on this subject!
                    -leisurely exploring a new town and playgrounds
                    -choosing plants to put into the garden and teaching them how to choose healthy plants
                    -teaching the kids about daily life (they have always been in daycare - and didn't realize that there wasn't a laundry fairy)
                    -learning colors with Zach
                    -help in the kitchen (turns out they are aspiring chefs)
                    -playing peek-a-boo with Gavin
                    -watching the kids interact with friends
                    -having our own schedule
                    -teaching piano to Elyse
                    -I really KNOW my children
                    -they want to talk to me about everything
                    -I can counteract any behavioral issues immediately and to our family expectations

                    Although I loved my role in my previous job and loved what I did, this is so much more than I could ever have hoped for. Of course, DH complained about the computer training today and I wanted to say "what about this this and this." No - I have left that behind....



                    • #11
                      I love it when DS climbs into my lap with a book and snuggles in so I can read to him. It makes all the temper tantrums and bad boy activities melt away. It also makes me realize that nothing I did at work was worth missing things like that.

                      Of course, today, I handed off the kids when DH got home like I was in an olympic sprint relay. I just couldn't wait to take a shower and have a few minutes alone!


                      • #12
                        Um...I work part time, can I play too since I'm spending more time with the kiddos?

                        1) I am more patient now. Discipline comes easier.
                        2) I have more "me" time.
                        3) I have a *little* more to give to my husband.
                        4) I am able to model better behavior for little eyes (i.e. I have more time so my kids see me reading, eating healthy cooked meals, engaging in neighborly activities, etc).
                        5) I know my children more intimately.

                        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                        • #13
                          No kids, but I have been staying hope some until the relocation. I like to work out, mountain bike, and cook. She has appreciated the help with keeping the house in order and other domestic stuff she doesn't have time to do. I am not sure how interns do it alone.
                          Husband of an amazing female physician!

