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A bad instructor

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  • A bad instructor

    I have to vent for just a few minutes. I'm feeling down today because of some things that have happened over the last couple of days undountedly compounded by all the happened last week in the US.

    Last night in class, the professor wanted one of the girls in the sculpture class to turn her project into a "satirical statement about the south." Being a former southerner, I found his suggestions, the tone of his voice and his insinuations to be very offensive. It was obvious that he didn't think a lot of southerners. That was bad enough, but he kept going. He singled me out as the southerner in the class and asked me what I thought of his idea. I told him I found it offensive. He laughed and said "Well then, all the more reason to do it." I said something back not nearly as strong or witty as I would've liked, but said something. Then I fumed for the rest of the class time. It is one thing to have someone make fun of my accent, but quite another to all but call me a stupid southern hick in front of a roomful of people. I was already not really liking this professor, now I know that I will avoid taking his classes if AT ALL possible. Maybe I need thicker skin, but I'm really just thinking he's a small-minded condesending @#%$ at this point.

    I'm also getting a little frustrated with my new job. it'll get better, but right now they are doing a terrible job of orientation. They didn't take time out of the person's schedule that is orienting us to actually been able to orient us. THerefore, we spend a lot of time just sitting while he makes phone calls and trouble shoots and chit chats with everyone. Very frustrating. I would almost rather just figure things out myself as I go along that have to endure 2 hours of actual orientation time in an 8 hour day. 6 hours is a lot of time to sit and do nothing. I know, I'm getting paid, but I spent 2 years in a boring job, I'm ready for something a little more challenging.

    OK- enough venting for now. I feel a little better.


    Edited by: wkelley2001  at: 9/19/01 4:01:24 pm

  • #2
    I guess the board owners don't like it when you type @#%$ in!

    That was worth a pretty good chuckle.



    • #3
      I'm with you Wendy. People make fun of me here. I was born in Mississippi, and didn't move North until I was 25. Even though I have been here for 15 years, they still do it and I still get defensive. The last time I checked, the South was part of the Unied States .

      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        Unfortunately, I agree that some of these regional prejudices are acceptable norms here in this Great Country. I think that I heard a Texan say it best, "After this last week, it doesn't matter than I'm from Texas and this happened in New York. We're all Americans."

        Good luck and don't let the @#$%^ get you down!

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5

          That is offensive....what an ass! (I just typed the word to see if in censors it!) I must have the censor thingy on...I'll have to unlock if for those moments...although it is almost funnier the way it changes it!

          I had a sort of similar experience in an undergrad ecology class years ago. The professor was a big hunter and continuously advocated hunting as a less "cruel" method of population control...When I suggested that I found that to be offensive...(I'm not a big hunting advocate) and said that other options included allowing mother nature to determine the population or reintroducing some of the natural predators that we had eliminated back into the wild...the guy absolutely freaked out and called me an eco-freak or something....He carried on and on and I was so embarassed! To make matters worse, I just couldn't keep my mouth shut (I'm sure that does not surprise most of you!) ...I mean..I really, really put my foot in my mouth!! I'll refrain from sharing what I said!

          My passive-aggressive suggestion? Change your project to a satirical statement of university sculpture professors? Northerners? Just kidding, but it does feel good to imagine how you would make the sculpture, doesn't it!

          My real suggestion? If it continues to bother you, I would set up an appointment with him and then tell him how you feel in a non-emotional, non-confrontational way....he might not realize how much he has really offended you. I dont' think that most people say things like that to be offensive...and he might feel really badly if he knew that you had taken it to heart!

          The job? ugh! 6 hours is a LOT of time to spend doing much longer will you be in this "orientation"? I suggest...buying a copy of Wally Lamb's "I know this much is true" if you don't have it... or bring along your school stuff to study? Could you do that?

          This down time, Wendy, is totally normal after a move. You had the initial shock to your system of moving and then sort of the euphoria that comes with finding a new job and as the day-to-day routine settles in and the newness wears off it is completely normal to begin feeling some let-down...

          Don't beat yourself up!



          • #6
   I look like the potty mouth...It didN'T CENSOR IT :EEK!


            • #7
              Here, I'll join you as the potty mouth---

              I still think the instructor is an ASS!

              There- now you aren't alone.

              I feel better today. There was more to do at work. I went on a couple of home visits by myself. All was well until I went down a one way street the wrong way! Oh, well, no permanent harm done, just a few dirty looks! Tonight I have that class again. I think I was just the target of the moment- or at least that's what I'm hoping. Not that I want someone else to be the target of his insults, I just don't want it to be me. I wish I wasn't so sensitive sometimes and could just let stuff like this roll off me.


              Transplanted Southerner- Proud American!

              Edited by: wkelley2001  at: 9/20/01 3:33:54 pm


              • #8
                You know, there's always one. I had an instructor in college who insisted on role-playing- which is common in social work programs. However, he always had people role-playing roles they chouldn't possibly know anything about. Ex: Ok, you white upper-middle class 20 year old college student who attends a private $20,000/year college- role play being a minoritypregnant HIV positive teenager from the inner city. So, being my normal obnoxious self- I pointed out that it would extremely inaccurate as the above mentioned college student wouldn't have any way of even imagining what it would be like to be a minority, let alone anything else. and then I pointed out to him that chances were the majority of the people in the program were going to go on and get their MSW's and were probably never going to spend anything other than maybe a semester in an inner city anyway.

                So, needless to say- I got a D. But everyone agreed with me!


