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update on the art classes

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  • update on the art classes

    I was looking back over old posts & thought I'd give an update on the art classes I'm taking. I'm taking Intro to B & W photography and Intro to Sculpture.

    Right now I have A's in both classes. I'm pretty excited about that- it is finally starting to sink in that I might actually be good at this art stuff. I've gotten some really wonderful feedback from the professors. Well, the sculpture professor intersperses insults with his feedback, but there's feedback there somwhere! The photography class is by far my favorite. I love Mondays and Wednesdays because of that class. I love taking the pictures, developing the film, making the prints- the whole 9 yards. I could see really getting into photography.

    Sculpture is kind of fun- it's not something I see myself doing forever, though. Not this kind anyway. It isn't the make-a- sculpture-out-of-clay-or-plaster kind of class. We use all ready made materials- things you can purchase or find in a junk yard or whatever. The creation process is still fun, it just isn't as much fun as photography!

    So, that's the update. I'm looking at taking another photography class next semester as well as Intro to Drawing. Maybe I can progress past stick figures!


  • #2
    Go Wendy! Go Wendy!

    That is awesome...there is nothing better than A's to brighten up your day! It sounds like you really like photography! So what is the scoop with this freaky sculpture prof? Has he gotten over his southern bashing yet?



    • #3
      See- Isn't it way more fun when you do something that you connect with?! If it weren't for the people I work to support- I wouldn't have lasted this long!

      I think it's great! And B & W photography is so much more ineresting in so many ways. If we had been younger and richer and more formal, we wouldn have had B & W photography for our wedding. (as it was we had my firend's dad!)

      Enjoy- and thanks for keeping us updated!


