Originally posted by mommax3
As far as improving myself- Brigham takes a nap, and Emma gets "quiet" time where she has to sit and color or read books. During this time, I have been trying to do something for ME- it could be reading a book (haven't tried it yet, but plan on it), doing a hobby/craft, forming relationships by writing a note (not a 10 page letter) to a friend, whatever it may be so that I am not feeling like I am "slave" to two cute munchkins. I know I felt a huge sense of accomplishment writing an article for the charter issue of MD Family-- you should check it out!
I agree with the naptime. I was really strict with Emma's naps when she was little, she hasn't napped since she was 2 years old, and if allowed would have dropped them all together at 18 months. Now Brigham, I am a bit more flexible, and he is the one that goes and puts himself down at 1 pm if we are home. For example the other day, we had a ton of errands to run, he missed his nap, I just ensured he went to bed earlier that night. Something we haven't done yet since moving to Boise, is getting involved in a playgroup. I have a tendency to be a homebody, and when living in Seattle I found that when committed to a playgroup once or twice a week that I got out of the house and socialized with other parents.
Jlynnb- I don't think you are boring. I say go for taking a class!