I know that this is going to come off sounding extremely odd but I just feel awful right now. As you all know, my tail is unemployed right now. Seeing that my thesis will in fact be completed this semester (WOOOOH!), I am starting to job search. My sweet and very thoughtful husband just called and said he talked to someone at work today who knows of a job opening . . . with the local SURGICAL SOCIETY. The job itself doesn't sound too bad - it's a communications director position or something like that - doing newsletters, planning events, etc. It's just NOT what i saw myself doing after grad school *AT ALL* Did I mention NOT AT ALL?? I love my husband dearly but let's just say that I consider him to be a diamond in the rough as far as surgeons go - to generalize even though I hate to do that, they tend to be quite a conservative, un-free-spirited crowd. However, hubby is just thrilled with this news and is so excited. I tried not to sound TOO disappointed on the phone. Not to mention that I feel as if I would be placing myself in the most subservient career I can imagine: "Hi, my husband is a surgical resident and I work for a surgical society" (AKA I am not intelligent enough to find my own job and am completely defined by my husband's career)
WHAT DO I DO??????????????? He told me I could call the guy tomorrow!!!!
WHAT DO I DO??????????????? He told me I could call the guy tomorrow!!!!