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What's your dream job?

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  • What's your dream job?

    What's your dream job and would you consider going after it?

    Mine are:



    I'm still debating whether or not to go after one of these.

  • #2
    Spa Critic

    Maybe I could be the next Ebert and Roper for spas??


    • #3
      Originally posted by Kozmo
      Spa Critic

      Maybe I could be the next Ebert and Roper for spas??
      you could only be Ebert OR Roper ... I volunteer to be the other one!


      • #4
        Buyer for a major dept store like Barney's or Bergdorf Goodman's that would be AMAZING!! or maybe a fashion designer (if only i could draw...)


        • #5
          Karaoke bar owner
          Mom of 3, Veterinarian


          • #6
            Interior Designer


            Food Critic


            • #7
              Bon-bon eating Dawkter's Spouse.

              I've actually alrady had my dream job. A couple of times. (I guess it helps to aim low!)

              I'm developing a new position that I think will be amazing. (and since I'm creating it, it should be...) 100% administration with no actual supervision of staff but direct interaction with clients. All staff will be contractual. Minimal paperwork requirements and it looks like we'll be able to position ourselves with a lot of grant money so maybe even a decent salary.

              I'd actually go nuts if I didn't work. I went nuts the year+ that I was home with Nikolai. It was great to be there for him but...SAHparenting is NOT for the weak. That was the toughest job I ever had. I'm so happy that I can take fifteen minutes and contemplate my navel with a freshly made cup of coffee. (and apparently Nikolai feels the same as all day Friday he kept saying, "I go to school?" "I GO to school!" "Mommy. I. Go. To. School. Now.")



              • #8
                Personal Shopper -- I'd love to get paid for what I do anyway.


                • #9
                  I know a travel writer. Her job always seems to glamorous to me.


                  • #10
                    Wedding planner for the stars!
                    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                    • #11
                      Benevolent Dictator/Ultimate Ruler of the Universe
                      Travel Show Hostess

                      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                      • #12
                        I always wanted to be on Oprah w/the title "scholar" under my name, but was never willing to do the work.

                        I'd go the "Benovalent Dictator" route, but I think there would be too many things to worry about.

                        I guess I'll just stick w/the "Goddess" title I already have.


                        • #13
                          I think my dream job would be rowing coach/baker.

                          Fortunately I get to do the first on a volunteer basis, and thanks to the proliferation of bakesales in my girlfriend's extra-curriculars, I am basically doing the latter on a volunteer basis as well.

                          Still it would be nice to get paid (or not have to hold down a day job)
                          - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jesher

                            you could only be Ebert OR Roper ... I volunteer to be the other one!
                            Sounds like a bloosoming partnership to me! I mean really, I can only get so many massages and facials in one week! I need help!
                   is still open. There is a spa on every corner now and there are actual critics that work for spa magazines. However....we would have the ultimate advantage - we are dawker's wives, everyone would look to us for the best critiques!!! :>

