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    Hang in there! It WILL get better eventually.

  • #2
    I'm right there with ya sister! We have 2 kids and we're getting medicaid and food stamps. They weren't counting my DH's stipend money before to calculate how much in food stamps we got so we were getting $518 which was enough to cover all our food expenses. Now I have a new case worker and he just decided to count the stipend money so our benefits got cut to $149! YIKES!!! Our eating habits are going to severly change! What sucks is that healthier food is more expensive, so I don't feel like we can afford better food anymore.
    Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


    • #3
      Dude, my response to unemployment is to spend like a drunken sailor. Seriously, you all can secretly roll your eyes when I declare our bankruptcy sometime this coming winter.

      Somebody stop me!

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        In our case we were so good for so long. Seriously, I prided myself on my fiscal responsibility.

        And then we began the quest for fellowship....It started with the 7 grand that we blew for fellowship expenses and then another couple grand for the move (truck, appliances, this and that). Now we are out of control. It didn't help that we heard about a job offer for an absolutely obscene amount of money when DH finishes his fellowship. I wish we had never heard that dollar figure.

        All of the sudden we're like, I want my TIVO! I'm bored, let's go to Chipotle for lunch! Our new house needs x,y,z so lets go to Target.

        It is really bad. Add the fact that we have two weeks vacation off together...the most we've had together. We want to enjoy this time so we've gone to amusement parks, the movies, the tourist attractions.

        I think we confused the end of training with the beginning of the good life. We have two more years to go still.

        Seriously, I have to got to dial it back. Somebody please spank my butt and put me to bed.

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          ups and downs

          totally with you on the "no income is tough" thing. We've been there before between jobs though, when we lived on our savings until we had nothing and then I finally got a job - so now at least we can count on the loan money coming in!!!

          Seriously, I am a budget chick. It helps me mentally, though, to have my own little freelance thing going on the side. That is "my" money that I can blow - and we all enjoy that a little once and awhile, right? A little money, a little sanity - who can beat that?


          • #6
            Re: WAAAAAAAAAAAA

            Originally posted by medwife517
            Medschool and the lack of income SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!1

            there rant over
            I totally hear you! It sucks big time, and some serious suction from our future income is happening (referring to loans). I'm kind of thinking of meeting with a financial planner--not for investing, but for advice about debt!


            • #7
              another thought

              I'm kind of thinking of meeting with a financial planner--not for investing, but for advice about debt!
              i'm not so worried about the future debt problem because DH and I have lived on one income since we've been married. so when he's out of med school, i plan on vamping up my freelance work to a full time income (kiddies will all be in school during the day by then), so the plan is to put my income onto the debt and live off of his residency income.

              learning to live on one modest income is one of the best pieces of advice i got before we were married.

              getting advice on debt is a great idea, though. just wanted to throw this thought in there.


              • #8
                For almost the first two years of med school we lived off nothing but loans and a small amount of money I had coming in from freelancing. I don't know how we did it, and the amazing part is our savings hardly dropped at all. I think everyone should learn to live like that. I also found it amazing the number of people in DW's class that spent like there was no tomorrow just because they would make a lot of money -- someday. Several of her women classmates got engaged, and you wouldn't believe the size of their rings. We began to affectionately call them "med school rocks" (no offense to those of you who have med school rocks )


                • #9
                  the posts from ccvqueen and roscabo are the two best pieces of advice. sadly I probably wouldn't have listened to them at the time - I was too stupid. we made our mistakes, and are paying for them (or paying them off) now. but for those of you eary in the process - truly pinch and save as though you will never make a penny more than you do right now. you'll be glad you did when the big pay day finally comes.


                  • #10
                    Yeah, Roscablo basically describes how I went through law school, and I am paying for it now.

                    The funny thing is, at the time I avoided working in a local bakery to help me rely less on loans, and now I can't wait to get my loans paid off so I can go work in a bakery...
                    - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


                    • #11
                      Re: WAAAAAAAAAAAA

                      Dream on folks.
                      Gotta agree with the "save like you'll never have any more".
                      You just may not. At least discuss a backup plan.

                      Hope your spouse's payday comes - not only did mine not come - I've gotten chewed out for even thinking it would.

                      Final tail coverage payment made yesterday - she's done with medicine and it still costs money (last patient seen in Spring).

                      Neurohubby of 14 years ("an item" since before med school began in 1989)


                      • #12
                        Re: WAAAAAAAAAAAA

                        I'm afraid to ask, but why is she done with medicine?
                        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                        • #13
                          Re: WAAAAAAAAAAAA

                          Obviously a huge, long story.
                          Bottom line - DW couldn't fit into traditional settings of either academic or group --personal values not compatible with values of others.
                          Tried solo- got eaten up financially by "go-getters" with no compassion or commitment to patients.
                          Overwhelming cause -- couldn't deal with non-compliant patients, frivolous lawsuits - took them (still taking them) very personally instead of seeing them for what they are -- one class of folks method of making a living. Again - personal values not compatible.

                          Not meant to scare anyone - just be realistic. Medicine is much more complex than "get through MS and residency and live the life you've dreamed of".

                          I wish you all the best in your marriage to a doc and in his career. I'll give you my top three good things about being a medical spouse to leave on a positive note:
                          1. Lots of Daddy time with kids after work!
                          2. Became pretty good in the kitchen!
                          3. "Sorry, can't make the party (workout, game, row, concert, festival, opera ....) - she's on call"

