So, right now DH's med school loans are deferred (b/c Lord knows we can't pay them). Anyway, am I correct that loans can only be deferred for 5 years? He's planning on doing a fellowship (applying for cardiology fellowship now), so he's going to be a fellow for 1-2 years after the deferment is over. Do we bite the bullet and pay the loans back for this period of time (we might have to start saving now!) or do you get a loan to pay the loans until the much anticipated PAYCHECK comes?
His monthly repayment is a big chunk of change for us to factor into our budget, so if we need to do this, I seriously think we need to start putting cash away now...
His monthly repayment is a big chunk of change for us to factor into our budget, so if we need to do this, I seriously think we need to start putting cash away now...