DH will be finishing fellowship in June and is already starting to interview for jobs. I've been looking at real estate online and I'm totally overwhelmed. Part of it is that we've been poor for so damn long that I have no concept of how much we'll make afterwards. I've tried using the Paycheck calculator but I guess I still don't know what we can afford.
Is there some simple formula to know how much you can afford to spend on a house, either based on annual income or on monthly income? The houses we're looking at seem over-the-moon expensive but the're not really, when compared with prospective income. But then, factoring in student loan repayments.....Aarrgh! I'm confused.
Is there some simple formula to know how much you can afford to spend on a house, either based on annual income or on monthly income? The houses we're looking at seem over-the-moon expensive but the're not really, when compared with prospective income. But then, factoring in student loan repayments.....Aarrgh! I'm confused.