Never been to one.
I'm sure this has been covered before, but humor me and please pass on any insight as to what exactly they do. I think stocks/bonds/retirement and insurance when I think financial planner. When coming up with getting out of debt plans and contract perk plans and such, is that part of their game? What "investments" are more of necessities?
We have carried life insurance on dh since having our first kid. Now we feel like disability insurance is also a necessity given the investment made in his education in this field.
What kinds of questions do you ask when consulting with one?
I'm sure this has been covered before, but humor me and please pass on any insight as to what exactly they do. I think stocks/bonds/retirement and insurance when I think financial planner. When coming up with getting out of debt plans and contract perk plans and such, is that part of their game? What "investments" are more of necessities?
We have carried life insurance on dh since having our first kid. Now we feel like disability insurance is also a necessity given the investment made in his education in this field.
What kinds of questions do you ask when consulting with one?