I just got a call from our state's child support enforcement division (CSED) letting me know that my ex husband is no longer employed therefore not to expect any child support any time soon.
He's been at the same job for 7 years now, so this will be the first time I've had to deal with this. I'm waiting on a call back from my case worker since I have a ton questions that didn't come to mind during my initial shock.
Does this mean that if/when he gets a new job that he'll have to initiate the deductions to come out of his payroll, or will the state keep track of that? Or will I have to go do some detective work to see if he's gained employment. :huh:
It's also crossed my mind that he may have lied about no longer being employed so that CSED wouldn't deduct anymore from his paycheck. I wonder if they verified his termination status. Is that public record? Could I call his employed and find out if he's still employed there? :huh:
I recently filed a motion to enforce a previous order and our court date is in February. I wonder if this is some sort of retaliation. It's definitely not out of the realm of possibility since he is the type of person to cut off his nose to spite his face.
Now that the shock is fading, the anger at his lack of financial commitment to our DD is setting in. He could've at least sent me an email informing me. Thank goodness my case worker was nice enough to give me a heads up.

He's been at the same job for 7 years now, so this will be the first time I've had to deal with this. I'm waiting on a call back from my case worker since I have a ton questions that didn't come to mind during my initial shock.
Does this mean that if/when he gets a new job that he'll have to initiate the deductions to come out of his payroll, or will the state keep track of that? Or will I have to go do some detective work to see if he's gained employment. :huh:
It's also crossed my mind that he may have lied about no longer being employed so that CSED wouldn't deduct anymore from his paycheck. I wonder if they verified his termination status. Is that public record? Could I call his employed and find out if he's still employed there? :huh:
I recently filed a motion to enforce a previous order and our court date is in February. I wonder if this is some sort of retaliation. It's definitely not out of the realm of possibility since he is the type of person to cut off his nose to spite his face.

Now that the shock is fading, the anger at his lack of financial commitment to our DD is setting in. He could've at least sent me an email informing me. Thank goodness my case worker was nice enough to give me a heads up.
