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Ba Humbug!

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  • Ba Humbug!

    I hate being short on cash, and this time of year. You know, you make a mental budget for Christmas funds, enough to cover the family and few friends. Of course your budget barely covers everyone, then come the requests:

    So far this month:

    $ for baby shower
    $ for baby shower activity
    $ for basketball coach thank you gift
    $ club organizor thank you gift
    $ for school food drive

    and the list will go on as we get closer to the 25th...

    when DH and I were expecting our son, and really short on cash my job really ticked me off. We were asked to donate for a charity, then to do secret santa, then to get the boss a gift, and... the owners $25 for a big collective certificate for a nice restaurant. The charity thing ticked me off cause you were gossiped about if you weren't... charitable. And the owner thing really made me mad, they didn't pay me enough and they lived in the richest neighborhoods in the area and had what is called "old money", hardly in need. And... I wasn't even spending $25 on my own husband that year...

    This stuff adds up, and I hate that look you get when you say you will contribute $5.

    It makes me so not in the mood for the season, the holidays aren't times for me to buy people things they want. And... all the asking makes you feel that way, even if it's for a good reason.

  • #2
    Re: Ba Humbug!

    I wasn't even spending $25 on my own husband that year...

    I hear ya! I am very sensitive about asking people to pitch in because you never know people's financial situation. The best "pitch in" I ever was impressed with was one where all in the office were given a manila envelope - told to put how ever much they could/wanted and seal it before dropping it in the "gift box" by a certain date. This way, when the envelopes were opened, we did not know who gave what, when.

    I especially hate when I am asked to give a monetary donation to a cause that is not as important to me as to the person asking. You're right....feeling obligated kills the holiday - gift giving spirit.
    Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


    • #3
      Re: Ba Humbug!


      I have written countless threads on this topic in years past. I read somewhere that approximately 30% of the stuff given and received is never even used. DISGUSTING consumerism and financial waste. I do enjoy giving gifts to those who really need it, however. I just bought a Bengals football jersey for my nail tech's son. She works six days a week at roughly minimum wage just to put food on the table. This single mom and first generation immigrant doesn't get to see her kids until 8 o'clock at night through the week. In sharp contrast, I'm trying to find a Wii for my son. Kind of puts my life into perspective. That $16 shirt was the best Christmas money I ever spent. Again contrast this to having to buy a gift for my former boss who was married to a multimillionare. Yeah, she really needed that candle. These things make me CRAZY grinchy.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

