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Double the fun...

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  • Double the fun..., this will hit a select few in the crowd.

    We are in the midst of moving...Ok, we will be moving August 10-12ish.
    We have had our home on the market for about 150 days+/-. We just made a trip to KC house searching, and no, I didn't get a chance to meet JennP...barely had time to visit with the family that we stayed with in the area. Anyway, we ended up buying a house.
    So- now we are the proud owners of a vacation home in Overland Park, KS.
    Anyone with advice on how to handle two homes in two different states please feel free to chime in...JennP, JennH, anyone else?!?

    We have also listed our house for rent, but have no takers as of today. One good note, KS home/auto insurance is much cheaper than FL....although when taxes roll around it will more than make up for that difference...and of course when you are paying insurance in both states, what difference does that make?!?!?

    Thanks for any and all advice!

  • #2
    Re: Double the fun...

    :wee: first congrats on finding a KC home!

    :thud: I'm sorry you are having trouble w/the FL home not selling.
    I don't really have any advice, as we have never been in your position.
    I hope things turn around sooner than later.
    Hang in there!


    • #3
      Re: Double the fun...


      I am sorry your house hasn't sold, but really glad to "see" you! I know you will get helpful advice from those who have unfortunately BTDT.

      How are the boys?

      Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

      "I don't know when Dad will be home."


      • #4
        Re: Double the fun...

        Hi Matt!

        I'm glad you found a house and that you are moving on to this new phase in your lives!

        But suckage about the two houses. I hope the FL house rents or sells sooner than soon.


        • #5
          Re: Double the fun...

          Oh Boy-

          Know the pain, feel the pain. I hope it's like banging your head into the wall- like it will feel so good when it finally stops. :banghead:

          for you, my friend I suggest this:

          1) Go to and make sure your house is listed both for rent and for sale.

          2) Make sure the housing office on base has it in their book/database/bulletin board

          3) Craigslist- it's how we ultimately rented the DC house.

          4) Tax time is sweet. That's what gets me through the day.

          Welcome back (kinda sorta) to the land of the living. Let us know when you are ready to open up the Medical Spouse TaxMan shop. You'll have plenty o' takers.



          • #6
            Re: Double the fun...

            No advice on the house, sorry! But congrats on your new OP house. I know you know the area but it really is great!

            Congrats on that next step!
            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


            • #7
              Re: Double the fun...

              Just going to stick my nose in here and say "Hi!".

              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #8
                Re: Double the fun...

                You could try listing it through a local property management agency for rent. They would handle everything, and just take their cut off the top.

                Our house ultimately sold after we cut the price to 40K below the others in the neighborhood. The nest egg we had planned to get from the sale disappeared but so did the financial stress of carrying it.

                I am sure it sucks beyond belief. Congrats on the new place.
                Mom to three wild women.


                • #9
                  Re: Double the fun...

                  I'm thrilled that you're coming here & bought in OP! It can't be too far from me!

                  I'm crushed that you haven't had any luck with the FL house. I so know that pain and wish I could spare everyone else that horrid feeling.

                  Jenn had great ideas - I'll only add a suggestion to list it on studentdoctor, too. I know you guys were where you were b/c of military - not residency, but I figure any/all exposure can help. I'm pretty sure that's how we finally sold ours in Cleveland. Hopefully there is a college nearby that might support that as well.

                  Ooooh - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Please let me know if you need any "advance work" here since school will be starting soon after you move.

