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Share your budget or money saving tips

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  • Share your budget or money saving tips

    Ok, in relation to the living within our means discussions that are going on in the debate thread. Let's share things you do to save money or ways you stay within your budget each month. Every day money savers that everyone can use.

    The household sharing thread was so popular, lets see if we can match it.

    I'll think on mine and come back.
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

  • #2
    Re: Share your budget or money saving tips

    Call around and compare insurance rates.

    Use the utility "budget billing" or monthly average billing so that summer a/c or winter heating bills don't kick you in the butt.


    • #3
      Re: Share your budget or money saving tips

      Great idea! I'm not that great with money, but these have worked for me... Hopefully I'll get some tips from this thread to help me do better!

      Set up an automatic deduction from your checking account into a savings account. It doesn't have to be much - we just do $75 a month. Use that savings for any unexpected expenses, like dentist or pet bills. If it comes out automatically, you never miss it.

      Always shop from a grocery list, and use coupons wisely. Saving 25ยข off something you don't need still means you spent more money than you should.
      My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


      • #4
        Re: Share your budget or money saving tips

        My new water efficient washer and my energy efficient dryer have made a huge difference in our water and gas bills.

        Next on the list is a new energy efficient dishwasher and I hope to install a solar pool pump/heater.

        We also replaced some broken and cracked window panes and jeez- we were idiots for not doing it sooner.

        This year we need to do a better job of winterizing the house.



        • #5
          Re: Share your budget or money saving tips

          We've gone to internet only cable bill. The internet connection allows us to have our VOIP phone at a cheap rate through Vonage (14.95 a month) and we only watch TV through Hulu and streaming. We download things we want to store or that aren't available on Hulu through iTunes. Our phone, internet and TV bill is now only $65 a month total. That's much better than when we purchased separately and had basic cable rolled in with the high speed internet charge.
          Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
          Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

          "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


          • #6
            Re: Share your budget or money saving tips

            Originally posted by ladymoreta
            Saving 25ยข off something you don't need still means you spent more money than you should.
            So true! Sometimes you just don't need to go for a good deal.

            We're bad about the latte factor. Eliminating it, as well as packing your own lunch makes a huge difference! Dh told me that the coffee he picks up at Starbucks is "just about the only nice part about going to work" (some sh!t is going down at work right now). I feel sorry for him, and I know that it's nice to have that pick-me-up in the morning. I've been drinking coffee since high school (you can take the girl out of Seattle, but can't take.... etc. etc.)
            married to an anesthesia attending


            • #7
              Re: Share your budget or money saving tips

              It's the eggnog lattes for me. At least I have a few more months to save.

              Having a weekly meal plan and shopping list is a freakin' goldmine. I've got to get back on that wagon. You know it's bad when the grocery store employee says -- you're here again! At least it wasn't takeout.

              On the topic of edibles, if you can buy 12 bottles of wine at a time, go for it and get the case discount.

              Avoid the middle section of Costco -- that is where I am least likely to find things I need rather than want.


              • #8
                Re: Share your budget or money saving tips

                Oh the case wine thing is KEY. and if you can order it from wine-com or the other sites when they're having a no shipping special then even better- it's delivered to your door!

                Also, knowing that there are times when the generics aren't worth it. I have never found a generic or an 'environmentally friendly' laundry or dishwashing detergent that worked so having to wash things multiple times is even more of a waste!



                • #9
                  Re: Share your budget or money saving tips

                  Let's see... DH is the money-conscious person (I tend to have my head in the clouds) so I've learned a lot from him:

                  - actually compare prices, especially before buying in bulk
                  - shamelessly buy the cheapest of things that don't matter much - as long as they work
                  - spend more to get better quality on things like electronics, water pump, etc. (it's not cheaper when you have to replace things)
                  - only shop once or twice a week (saves gas, and the more I'm out shopping, the more I spend)
                  - in winter, turn the thermostat down and take a small space heater from room to room
                  - don't have any friends! j/k - Entertaining is expensive, but this is one of our priorities, so we just budget it in.
                  - turn off lights
                  - use hand-me-downs and second-hand stores for young kids' clothes - not worth it to spend a lot when they'll be out of them in 6 months or so

                  Birthday gifts are what kill my budget. I never know what to get, so I end up overspending. I'd love to see suggestions on this.


                  • #10
                    Re: Share your budget or money saving tips

                    Originally posted by DCJenn
                    I have never found a generic or an 'environmentally friendly' laundry or dishwashing detergent that worked so having to wash things multiple times is even more of a waste!

                    I know this is OT but Seventh Generation DW detergent has to be the worst detergent out there. I might as well use dirt instead of it, it would wash them the same. My DH who doesnt do much in the kitchen insisted we go back to cascade.

                    Thrift store and garage sales are my tip. I just got a set of twin sheets that was new in the original plastic for $1, a hanna andersson snowsuit for baby for $2, and lands end snowsuits for both girls for just a bit more. You cant beat the savings.
                    Mom to three wild women.


                    • #11
                      Re: Share your budget or money saving tips

                      I agree on the car, even if it means a slightly higher rent to be near public transportation. We had one car for 6 years and I think it helped us a lot on finances, especially on the maintenance and upkeep.


                      • #12
                        Re: Share your budget or money saving tips

                        A few of mine:

                        - the weekly menu and shopping list is key IMO
                        - if a recipe calls for a vegetable or fruit that isn't in season you can usually find a substitute that is or buy canned
                        - don't go to Target, I love my Target but I've forced myself to shop at Wal-Mart more lately. If I go late morning its not that busy, I don't have to deal with as many stupid checkers and they just remodeled ours so it is better
                        - cloth diapers washed in our new (the old one died) high efficiency washer
                        - we have seen no increase in our heating and cooling bills even though I'm now a SAHM and we attribute all of that to our new windows, best investment in the house we've made
                        - Shop at consignment or hand me down stores (Once Upon a Child) for kids - they go through their clothes so quickly they're almost like new
                        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                        • #13
                          Re: Share your budget or money saving tips

                          Here are mine....some I used more in the past than I do now, but most we still do....

                          Shop at Wal-Mart. Say what you will about their policies, but they are by FAR the cheapest option for putting food on the table and buying cleaning supplies, toiletries, etc.

                          Use re-sale shops and hand-me-downs for kids. I did this more when my kids were younger, but I still do the hand-me-down thing, and when I can't do that, Target/Kohl's is as good as it gets.

                          Drive old cars that are paid for, unless monthly repair bills are equal to what a car payment would be, or unless your safety is compromised. You will save by not having a payment, but you will also save on tags and on insurance, too.

                          Shop once a week.

                          Eat at home as often as possible (we are really trying to do better at this this year).

                          Use the library.

                          Buy generics whenever possible, unless you KNOW the quality is less.

                          Buy less prepared foods and cook more if you can.

                          Don't buy water....fill re-usable water bottles instead.

                          The car thing is probably saving us the most money right now, but cutting back on eating out has also saved us a surprising amount.

                          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                          "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                          • #14
                            Re: Share your budget or money saving tips

                            Um, try not to rack up speeding tickets?

                            -I used to be downright pious about shopping. I would only step foot into a big box retailer only once every few weeks. Keep a big list and go ONCE.
                            -Brew your own coffee more days a week than buying it out.
                            -ITA with Sally, drive the car until the wheels fall off. It is *awesome* to not have a car payment.

                            My big downfall is feeling like the little stuff doesn't matter because we're paying $1200 for boards, $500 for licensing, huge moving expenses, blah, blah, blah. These kind of big ticket items alters my justification of the little crap.

                            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                            • #15
                              Re: Share your budget or money saving tips

                              Shop at Wal-Mart....but they are by FAR the cheapest option for putting food on the table
                              You know, I was just there and was able to compare the prices of Wal-Mart to Sam's...I know, not exactly apples to apples but not far from it and run by the same folks. Sam's has a better price on milk-by more than $1/gallon, and chicken- by a couple bucks..granted the bags are larger (both frozen and fresh). Those are the items that we are buying lots of, so Sam's works for us.

