I just figured out a med student can fill out a FAFSA form--I had no idea. Did any of you do this, and was it beneficial? Technically, we will not be married until June, so I'm assuming I don't have to be a part of this year's form, correct?
Is it worth it to fill out? DF's family is pretty comfortable, but he is one of six (and #2 is off to college this year)
Any financial help in general would be greatly appreciated
I'll freely admit we are both pretty naive when it comes to financial aid (we both had college scholarships). While Texas tuition isn't really expensive, and I'll be working, it seems stupid to not figure out where you can get a break!
Is it worth it to fill out? DF's family is pretty comfortable, but he is one of six (and #2 is off to college this year)
Any financial help in general would be greatly appreciated
