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Purchasing life insurance

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  • Purchasing life insurance

    I've already read through the threads regarding life insurance, and am considering going through:

    1) DH's work/hospital during residency
    2) AMA
    3) Select Quote
    4) Our local agent

    I am going to check all of the following out but I was wondering what your experiences have been with through these different sources?

    I know a few of you have gone through AMA and have been happy with it - is that still the case?
    I also read an article by Angela in which she suggested Select Quote - do you still suggest that? Anyone else used them too?

    Anyone wish they would have purchased through one or the other for service reasons or something else?
    Loving wife of neurosurgeon

  • #2
    I'll be looking at the responses closely! We are also starting residency with two small kids. How much do you all suggest taking out?


    • #3
      We went with AMA they were the most reasonable - I'd have to look at the amounts but I think we did 450 for DH and 250 for me.
      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


      • #4
        Okay I know more of you have life insurance...
        Loving wife of neurosurgeon


        • #5
          Ours is through Northwestern Mutual.

          I didn't really shop around for quotes. After first meeting with the advisor some lady came to our apartment to ask us 1,000 questions about every single trip we ever made to a doctors office, took our blood, and made us pee in a cup. After the results came in we went back to the advisors office to finalize the paperwork. It was difficult to coordinate times that worked with our busy schedules, but other than that it was a pretty easy process.


          • #6
            Ours is through AMA and we have 500 on my husband and 250 on me. Our financial adviser approves of this choice and those amounts.

            My husband did the looking into this and determined that the AMA deal was best for our life insurance but not for our disability insurance--if I remember right it would have also been best for disability if my husband were under 35, but he is older, and we got better disability through the financial planner.

            No service problems or anything like that. Nothing has made us regret it so far.

            And the 500 on my husband is 500 total--that includes a couple small policies he already had from his parents and I think the military.
            Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
            Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

            “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
            Lev Grossman, The Magician King


            • #7
              We have our life insurance through my employer. I have a 800K for me and 250K for my husband. We also carry 300K each in accident insurance and $50K on our child. I wish I had more my husband but right now, its going to have to do. Even the 800K doesn't give my family everything I'd want them to have if I were gone.

              In my experience, getting insurance through your employer is dirt cheap. Getting it anywhere else is usually much more expensive. For all of the above insurance, I pay $35/month.


              • #8
                Re: Purchasing life insurance

                Last edited by weeniegeniewife; 09-23-2010, 10:59 AM.
                Married to a peds surgeon attending


                • #9
                  DH and I both have 250K on each other, once he starts residency we are going to 500K. We have it through All-State. We have had it since he started med school.
                  Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


                  • #10
                    Its ironic, I was just thinking about life insurance because of this thread and a guy that I work with passed away. He leaves behind a four year old son. He just died unexpectedly. Please pray for his family and the little boy. I know that they had some life insurance because our employer purchases it for us. Even with life insurance, its such a hard thing to see a family go without a parent.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Lacy View Post
                      Its ironic, I was just thinking about life insurance because of this thread and a guy that I work with passed away. He leaves behind a four year old son. He just died unexpectedly. Please pray for his family and the little boy. I know that they had some life insurance because our employer purchases it for us. Even with life insurance, its such a hard thing to see a family go without a parent.
                      Oh how terrible, his poor wife and child.
                      Loving wife of neurosurgeon


                      • #12
                        Lacy that is so sad. I'll pray.
                        Attorney, mom, married to a vascular surgery fellow!

