Dh and I hope to qualify for this loan forgiveness program. So far their hasn't been a ton of information on how to go about it, make sure you are eligible, etc, however today I was looking into it again on the Dept of Ed website and found a page dedicated to it with forms to complete and send in to start tracking your eligibility (they suggest it be done each year and for each new employer) over the 10 year period. It will also confirm if and what loans are eligible for this plan. This program was started in 2007 so the first people to get loan forgiveness will be in 2017. Part of me thinks in 10 years from now the program will be gone so I shouldn't pay the minimum but another part of me hopes it will last cause, heck we'd save around 50k. We just started paying back our loans a couple of months ago. For others interested below is the link to the webpage with all the info: