I use Mary Kay everything. They have a microdermabrasion kit that makes my face feel fantastic, plus I use their daily 3 in 1 cleanser. My favorite thing they have is this compact that has both powder and foundation in one so it is a real timesaver. I really feel like it gives good coverage and just takes a few seconds to put on.
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Facial Products
Originally posted by CheriWow thanks gang, now where to start...Alison
I desperately need to get rid of/hide the dark circles under my eyes. I HATE them! I don't know why I have them but in every picture I see of myself, all I see is the dark circles. I have the Prescriptives lighter eye cream but it doesn't do all that much. Any ideas?
Jill, I have them to they're hereditary and I too hate them. I've been using this http://www.mariobadescu.com/productDeta ... oductID=34 for about a month. If you go to their website and fill out a product survey they'll send you free samples. The sample will last me a while before I have to order a real one.Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.
When I lived in Denver, I had a good friend who is a skin aesthetician and make-up artist.
I use generic Cetaphil, and a Neutrogena Moisturizer-- looking to switch to something that does something for wrinkles (don't have any yet), as I love to be proactive and approaching a milestone birthday this year. For make-up I used to buy Lancome, until this good friend informed me that you can buy the same stuff for cheaper by purchasing L'Oreal, because L'Oreal and Lancome are owned by the same company-- they put out the same stuff just in cheaper packaging for the drug stores. So now I buy L'Oreal, when I remember to replenish my supply.
I exfoliate my skin a few times a week with St. Ives Apricot Scrub. I am a sucker for Bath and Body Works shower gels, so I use that. I moisture up with Nivea Body Lotion with Vitamin E and B, and do Cocoa Butter on my current stretch marks.
CrystalGas, and 4 kids
Yet another one of the areas as a dawkters wife that I am completely inept in. Can't dress the part, don't look the part, and I know squat about facial products and makeups.
I must be a very sad case indeed.
I rarely wear makeup. When I do, it most often does not go beyond lipstick, foundation, and mascara. Whenever someone else puts makeup on me, I always feel like a streetwalker. WAY TOO MUCH!! Also, I hate eyeliner. I hate the way it looks on me. In prictures of me, I always wear makeup, but it never looks like I have any on. I know you are supposed to wear more for photos, but honestly, I feel like I am caking it on as it is.
My facial product routine consists of wiping my face with a baby wipe when I feel it is appropriate or with a washcloth in the shower. I have tried to have a facial routine in the past, but it always gets brushed by the wayside. I honestly feel totally clueless about what I really need. Apparently, not much. I am doing okay so far. Or am I?
I haven't had a haricut in months (last May). I can't afford anything right now.
This stuff is all just so over my head. Can we talk about football? Now that I know something about.
I really am a girl.Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.
Sorry, not a Pats fan. I had a great time watching the Colts/Steelers game yesterday. One of our good friends from medical school, Risheet (I loved him so much I set him up with my sister and hoped they would marry, but alas, she married someone else), is from Indianapolis and a rabid Colts fan, so I watched and pulled for the Colts. Unfortunately, they couldn't pull it off in the end. Go Panthers. I figure I live here, and I have adopted them as my team for the duration of our stay at least. All the other teams I route for really stunk this year.Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.
Originally posted by mom2threeOriginally posted by heidikinda down about the outcome for them, the Broncos totally spanked them **SIGH**.............the super bowl wont even be worth watching this year.[/color]
) BUT I am so stoked that the Broncos won!!! :ra:
Heidi-- maybe you and I should form a non-"dawkter's" wife club-- for those of us who have problems dressing and looking the part. I know I far from look it.
Anyway, go BRONCOS!
CrystalGas, and 4 kids
Annie- Happy Birthday... that sounds wonderful. I have never had a facial, but would love to hear what the results are beyond the relaxation part. I have heard that you usually break out after a facial. Is that true?
Inquiring minds want to share in your relaxation!
Stopped by Aveda yesterday but the tint in their moisturizer was way too sheer for me. Guess will just keep looking.
Facials that are done correctly are not suppose to cause breakouts or irritation. But like Annie said, be very careful who you go to. I like the extraction part because I feel that anything else I can just do by myself at home. I have been going to my mom's friend for years and I love her. I try to book the last appt of the day, so that she can spend a little more time on me and not rush.