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Worst Year?

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  • #31
    We bought way less house than we could afford. It has been great for us financially. We've gotten all our ducks in a row. Dh has put away over 70 K for retirement in just a year and a half, the kids' college acounts are up and running and we have life and disability all set up. No credit card debt. We're still paying the med school loans slowly though, because they are consolidated - so it's like a second mortgage. All that has happened in the last two years, so there is hope for you training folks!!

    That said, we get a lot of grief from relatives who just are so totally unimpressed with our home. It's depressing. My inlaws are here now, and not a day has gone by that they haven't tried to "improve" this place or find us a new house. They keep telling us that things will be great "when we move to our real house." :thud: So glad, you're proud Mom and Dad.
    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


    • #32
      Originally posted by goofy
      They keep telling us that things will be great "when we move to our real house." :thud: So glad, you're proud Mom and Dad.
      I kept telling myself it was just an Indian thing. The nicest thing my IL's said about my house was that the master bathroom is "very big".



      • #33
        If it's an Indian thing, than my MIL should be making samosas. FIL actually went out to get a real estate flyer and started circling houses in the school district that we should consider. Uh....we aren't interested in buying a house, right now. We've already got one. He even went on about how sad it was that we had to buy a house under pressure and ended up "in this thing". I need a drink. :~
        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


        • #34
          How rude! If I remember correctly, you & your dh are actually very happy with your house, right? You had lots of work to do or done, and had intended to do so. Or am I making this up based on my knowledge of century homes in CF?

          Are these statements / actions at least a follow up to a deragatory statement made by you or dh about your home? Or simply unsolicited?

          Enjoy your samosas.


          • #35
            So far I've gotten a lobster dinner out of staying in our house. My parents bet me we wouldn't stay here 6 months after dh finished fellowship and almost 1 year later, we're still here! I'm hoping to get a lobster dinner for every 6 months we stay here. Even though I've spelled out for them why financially we won't be moving, they still frequently tell me we need a bigger house.
            Awake is the new sleep!


            • #36
              Sue, enjoy your lobster dinner! That is great. Sounds a little easier to take than the "samosa dinner" some in-laws are dishing out.

              One huge plus of staying here is being able to stay in our house for another year or so. It will be cozy but doable.

