For those of you who are in repayment on your student loans, how fast are you paying them off? When my loans went into repayment, I was paying them off at the 10 year rate. But, once my Dh's loans went into repayment, I had to cut back and pay them off at the 25 year rate. I was able to cut my debt by about a third by the time I had to lower my payments. Now, it feels like it is taking forever for the principal to go down.
Dh is paying his off at the 25 year rate too. I hope to in the next year or so to begin to repay ours off quicker. The interest rates are so low that perhaps we should pay our our mortgage faster, but I just want these loans gone so I have more discretionary money!!!
Dh is paying his off at the 25 year rate too. I hope to in the next year or so to begin to repay ours off quicker. The interest rates are so low that perhaps we should pay our our mortgage faster, but I just want these loans gone so I have more discretionary money!!!