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Angelina to Brad "Go back to Jen!"

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  • Angelina to Brad "Go back to Jen!"

    While standing at the check out counter today, three trash mags read Angelina tells Brad to "Go back to Jen".

    I have never bought one of those trash mags, but found myself almost grabbing at one until DH snapped me out of it.

    Intriguing. I don't know why I'm so fascinated, but I have to ask: Anyone happen to read one of those mags? Care to share?

  • #2
    Re: Angelina to Brad "Go back to Jen!"

    Anyone happen to read one of those mags? Care to share?
    Nope, not me. I only read tomes of literature.
    J/K. I think that Brad and Angelina probably have the most false information floating out there right now.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      Re: Angelina to Brad "Go back to Jen!"

      I saw an interview w/ Rachael Ray who said she and her husband were at the beach reading the tabloids that said they were breaking up.

      That has to suck.

      and FWIW, I hope Brad and Angelina make it. They've closing in on personel records of time w/ a partner, aren't they?



      • #4
        Re: Angelina to Brad "Go back to Jen!"

        I wouldn't think so for Brad.....wasn't he with Jenn for a long time? Angelina is a three year deal from what I've read.

        I hope they split up....selfishly.....because I'd like some REAL gossip instead of all the speculation. That, and Angelina has started to weird me out. I used to like her, but I'm now seeing more of the the "I adopted this kid as an accessory" business. Bad. I'm amazed that some stars keep their kids completely out of the spotlight and others have them all over the gossip pages. I think Angelina and Brad are in some way party to the tabloid exploitation of the kids because they think having their blended family in the public eye raises awaremenss for world issues and adoption. (How's that for total speculation? I should write for Star!) If that is true, I think they do so to the detriment of the kids and that offends me. So.......if Brad wants out.....he can always call me! :> No need to learn a new name or anything!
        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


        • #5
          Re: Angelina to Brad "Go back to Jen!"

          Wow....I can't wait! Seriously, I was just telling DH yesterday that something was up with Brad Pitt. He cancelled his work in that movie and made that weird announcement about no more nude scenes.....just strange press. I wonder what's up? You think it's a marriage announcement? Maybe he's "retiring" from film.
          Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
          Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

          "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


          • #6
            Re: Angelina to Brad "Go back to Jen!"

            He bothers me - but she doesn't. I don't know that I think she parades the kids around. I think she's followed by cameras, and if she tried to hide the kids every second, they'd feel like prisoners. Some celebrities choose to allow pics of their kids rather than shrouding them -- it makes the inevitibly snapped photo less valuable. I think what they've done for mixed families is a positive thing, and the work they (well, at least 'she') does is real.


            • #7
              Re: Angelina to Brad "Go back to Jen!"

              Originally posted by house elf
              Anyone happen to read one of those mags? Care to share?
              Nope, not me. I only read tomes of literature.
              Oh, me, too. Because "Madame Bovary" and "The Scarlet Letter" have no such low-brow themes as extra-marital fornication.

              On the whole Brad Pitt thing...I am a total weirdo. I am not into him. I mean, he's fantastic-looking, etc., but the fact that he left his first wife and ran off with the very odd Ms. Jolie makes him kind of hard for me to fantasize about. He seems untrustworthy and superficial. It really depletes the sexiness factor for me.

              Makes me realize how awesome my DH is. He is no Brad Pitt...but that's a good thing!


              • #8
                Re: Angelina to Brad "Go back to Jen!"

                Originally posted by Pollyanna
                Originally posted by *Lily*
                Well, he's making some sort of announcement on Today show tomorrow (monday).
                I think it's something about him being the first man to carry a child. :>

                I think they're equally weird. He left his wife, 'nuf said there. She tatooed Billy Bob on her arm knowing he was unstable at best, and wore his blood in a vial around her neck.


                • #9
                  Re: Angelina to Brad "Go back to Jen!"

                  I love them both in completely unnatural ways.



                  • #10
                    Re: Angelina to Brad "Go back to Jen!"

                    Originally posted by DCJenn
                    I love them both in completely unnatural ways.



                    • #11
                      Re: Angelina to Brad "Go back to Jen!"

                      By Mike Celizic
                      updated 2 hours, 55 minutes ago
                      Actor-activist Brad Pitt greenlighted a bold initiative this summer to start making things better in New Orleans’ flood-devastated Lower 9th Ward. Now, he’s expanding on that with a new foundation called “Make It Right,” pledging that the first of at least 150 environmentally friendly homes will be ready by next summer.

                      After his family, rebuilding New Orleans is his top priority, he told TODAY’s Ann Curry during a live interview Monday in the Lower 9th Ward. Curry asked if that means it comes ahead of making films.

                      “Sure, I guess so,” he said. “Right now, this is the focus, and we’re going to see this thing through.”


                      • #12
                        Re: Angelina to Brad "Go back to Jen!"

                        I think that a few things of gossip in the mags here and there are just that, gossip, but when they all start saying it, then I think they are usually closer to truth than not. I am trying to think of an example, but none are coming to mind right now.
                        Mom to three wild women.


                        • #13
                          Re: Angelina to Brad "Go back to Jen!"

                          Originally posted by DCJenn
                          By Mike Celizic
                          updated 2 hours, 55 minutes ago
                          Actor-activist Brad Pitt greenlighted a bold initiative this summer to start making things better in New Orleans’ flood-devastated Lower 9th Ward. Now, he’s expanding on that with a new foundation called “Make It Right,” pledging that the first of at least 150 environmentally friendly homes will be ready by next summer.

                          After his family, rebuilding New Orleans is his top priority, he told TODAY’s Ann Curry during a live interview Monday in the Lower 9th Ward. Curry asked if that means it comes ahead of making films.

                          “Sure, I guess so,” he said. “Right now, this is the focus, and we’re going to see this thing through.”
                          He "greenlighted" (oh, how Hollywood) a project to build "environmentally friendly" homes to the former 9th ward residents. ??? Talk about the imposition of someone else's priorities and values in exchange for "helping." I hope he's thought through the tax implications for the residents, so they don't get hit with an unexpected taxable event in the former of this "gift" (think Oprah and her car giveaway fiasco). It somehow smacks of elitism, aesthetic and otherwise, to me. But thank goodness there's someone like Brad Pitt, who can transplant himself into New Orleans and be the Great White Hope, to tell folks how to fix their problems. Ick.

                          I admire Harry Connick, Jr. a lot more. He's from the area, has done tons to try and help, and doesn't come off as a carpet-bagging do-gooder (which is how Mr. Pitt and Ms. Jolie appear, in numerous contexts. You look at them and think, "Um, OK. They're really pretty, but why exactly are they here again?")


                          • #14
                            Re: Angelina to Brad "Go back to Jen!"

                            "Um, OK. They're really pretty, but why exactly are they here again?"
                            Because they're really, really pretty.


                            • #15
                              Re: Angelina to Brad "Go back to Jen!"

                              They've donated $5 million of their own money to this, as well as $2 million in Sept. from the Jolie / Pitt foundation ($1 million to Doctors Without Borders, $1 million to Global Action for Children). In Oct. they donated $1 million to SOS Children's Villages. That's $8 million in donations found in a quick google search.

                              This is from Anderson Cooper's blog:

                              Tuesday is World Refugee Day. Angelina Jolie was interested in discussing the plight of refugees, so we sat down to talk about what she has seen and learned in refugee camps around the world. She had no movie to promote, no product she was pitching. In fact, I have no idea what her next movie is and we did not discuss any upcoming films. There were no ground rules. I was free to ask whatever I wanted.

                              A lot of celebrities have causes and show up to talk about them when cameras are around, but the truth is that Angelina Jolie knows what she is talking about when the subject is refugees. To use a cliche, she doesn't just talk the talk, she walks the walk. She has traveled to some 20 countries over the years as a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and she says she donates one-third of her income to charitable causes.
                              They sure are pretty, but if there are far easier / less productive ways to get publicity. At the moment they're doing more to help the residents of the 9th ward than the US Government, so I think it's a-okay.

