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  • WTF?

    i like lane bryant jeans for my hips and ass. i buy the low rise boot cut jeans. i went in today..only to TRY on a smaller size to see if i could fit in a size down. (i was hoping to brag that i was down a size )

    so, i go in there...and they have totally revamped the sizing! now im a size 2 blue, red, or yellow :huh: instead of a moose sized 16. WTF? i have lost weight, my jeans are able to come off w/o unbuttoning them..and i cant even try on a pair smaller? the chick gave me 5 different pairs to try on and they all sucked.

    what happened to 14/16 average height? idiots.

    its not like changing the system to 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 is going to make the fat girls feel smaller. i left there so frustrated, im not sure i'll go back.
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

  • #2
    Re: WTF?

    Originally posted by rainbabies
    i like lane bryant jeans for my hips and ass. i buy the low rise boot cut jeans. i went in today..only to TRY on a smaller size to see if i could fit in a size down. (i was hoping to brag that i was down a size )

    so, i go in there...and they have totally revamped the sizing! now im a size 2 blue, red, or yellow :huh: instead of a moose sized 16. WTF? i have lost weight, my jeans are able to come off w/o unbuttoning them..and i cant even try on a pair smaller? the chick gave me 5 different pairs to try on and they all sucked.

    what happened to 14/16 average height? idiots.

    its not like changing the system to 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 is going to make the fat girls feel smaller. i left there so frustrated, im not sure i'll go back.
    Sylvia, first of all, CONGRATS on your weight loss. WTG, girl! You rock!

    Second, Lane Bryant is the devil incarnate. It was the devil, and I needed it. It was the only place this fat girl could shop, until a few months ago, and now, I will NEVER ever, ever shop there again! WOHOO!

    That sizing would tick me off too. Who are they trying to kid? Plus, it makes it difficult to understand what size you are in the real world. Lame as hell.

    I am now, drumroll, a size 12!!!! Maybe a 14 in some things, but I am sticking with the 12 story. Yay for me!! Yay for you!!! I am so happy for us both.

    As a 14/16, you don't need to shop there. So many options for you. Once you hit 18, or heaven forbid 22 , it's the only place, but I wouldn't dream of shopping there, good fit or no, if I didn't have to. It's the principle of the thing. Don't shop there anymore, k?
    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


    • #3
      Re: WTF?



      • #4
        Re: WTF?

        I haven't been in since they revamped their sizes. That sucks. Sadly it does manage to trick some people, and just irritates the rest of us.

        I just found that Old Navy online has plus size -- real plus sizes. Their XL used to be 14-16, but now they go up to 4X for shirts, and mid-20's for jeans, I think. I remember being an LB 14 and that being too big, but a 14 in a "regular" store wouldn't work. It's so frustrating being in that limbo. Maybe Old Navy will have something that works for you.

        Congratulations to you both! Heidi - a 12!!! Wowza! Inspiring!


        • #5
          Re: WTF?

          Sylvia & Heidi!!!

          You guys rock! Are you going to get a multimillion dollar endorsement soon for your amazing accomplishment?

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            Re: WTF?


            heidi! that is SO AWESOME!! im so proud of you and happy for you!

            jenn, have you ever gotten anything from old navy for yourself? i wonder if they're true to size? i have only gotten things for the babes there..not me.

            oh and i went to LB's website thinking maybe i could just look for my size. no such's the same as the store.

            ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


            • #7
              Re: WTF?

              I just discovered it last week and am waiting on my shipment (only ordered t-shirts though). I'll let you know.


              • #8
                Re: WTF?

                ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                • #9
                  Re: WTF?

                  Chicos does that asshat sizing, too. I wonder if they're owned by the same people.



                  • #10
                    Re: WTF?

                    Way to go you guys!! That is awesome!!

                    In regards to the Old Navy plus line, my good friend from HS has been shopping there for years. She's a size 22. Their line goes from 16-30. The Old Navy near where we lived in STL carried the line in the store. They also had them in a lot of their CA stores too. She has been very pleased with their line and gets almost all of her clothes from them.


                    • #11
                      Re: WTF?

                      Congratulations, Sylvia & Heidi!


                      • #12
                        Re: WTF?

                        Originally posted by Makai
                        Congratulations, Sylvia & Heidi!
                        Guys that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!


                        • #13
                          Re: WTF?

                          I just got my package yesterday. The shirts I ordered were all well-sized, but I returned all but one b/c I've decided I'm going to be smaller before I start buying more clothes.


                          • #14
                            Re: WTF?

                            Congrats guys! That's really inspiring!

                            I shop at Old Navy and I've always thought they run just a tad bit big.

                            Jen, you're right about Chicos. My mom recently bought a pair of jeans there in a size 0 (I hate her ) and passed them off to me since she said they were ridiculously huge. I'm a size 8 and they were small but not size 0 small. Who do they think they're kidding???

                            Doesn't Target have a plus size area? I believe Mervyn's does too.
                            Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


                            • #15
                              Re: WTF?

                              Originally posted by Genivieve
                              I just got my package yesterday. The shirts I ordered were all well-sized, but I returned all but one b/c I've decided I'm going to be smaller before I start buying more clothes.
                              Not a very good strategy. Number one rule of fashion/shopping is to shop for the body you have not the one you want. Wearing clothes that fit rather than cover will actually make you look slimmer.

                              I wonder if either Stacy & Clinton or Tim Gunn would do an iMSN episode and fly everyone to NY. I can drive over to help out.

